92 gal Corner stand/hood build pics

family reefer

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I have had several requests for pics of the build process of this stand and hood I built for a friend of mine (minireefer 03 on here)
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Cool how much do you charge to build my next stand... Nice work!!! How long did it take you?
It took a week ( it was during spring break) so I could work on it all day. For another one Like this I would charge $600 up front and another $600 on delivery. Non refundable!LOL , Scott
Great Stand!

I just bought a 92 gallon corner from another ARC member, and I want to try to build something similar.

What thickness is the plywood skinning the front? Is it easy to bend?

How did you "curve" the door?

Thanks for any advice you can give me.

Looks great... I grabbed the AGA stand with my 92 corner, but your's looks much better! Love the hood as well!
The front is made up of one layer of 1/4 inch ply laminated with another layer of beadboard. The bent door was a bear but I built it like an airplane wing with ribs cut to the proper curve and then laminated the same as the stand. This ended up giving us a thickness of almost 1/2 inch. The tank has been up and running for a year this week!
What is the proper way to support the tank?

The plastic trim in the corners of the tank's bottom would prevent the bottom glass from being directly supported if the top of the stand was flat. Is this OK? Is it intended that the corners (i.e. the plastic trim) support the entire weight of the tank?

I have heard that some people put styrofoam under the glass. Since you have successfully run the tank for a year without any cracks, what do you suggest?

Yea....What he said...Glass tank stands really only need to be framed in as the botton doesn't touch the stand at all. My current stand for the 135 gal is built this way. It is kinda cool to look up from inside the stand and see all of the critters crawling through the substrate....Kinda like an aquatic ant farm!
Thanks for the advice!

I bought the tank from Slayer77. He upgraded to a beautiful 300 gallon room divider tank.


Does the canopy open at all, or do you just remove it when you need to access the tank?
