93 Cube Build


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I started this build back in March/April of '16. I was tired of lugging hoses, and buckets through the house for maintenance. There is a wall in my living room with a storage room that backs to it. I got my wife's permission to use the storage room as a fish room :yay:, but she wasn't on board of me moving the 180 to my living room. So, we settled on the 93 and it worked out very well.

link to 180: http://www.atlantareefclub.org/forums/showthread.php?t=73837">http://www.atlantareefclub.org/forums/showthread.php?t=73837</a>

I closed in an exterior door that accessed the storage room, installed a door from another wall. The tank sits on the wall to the right of the door.
[IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c21/Pringle1232/IMG_1154_zpstdkiyuzi.jpg alt="" />

The left side is used for two 30~ gallon square brute buckets. One for salt and one for water. All with auto top offs plumbed off the RODI. I installed a utility sink. Everything is modular in case the water heater goes out. Right side is a 34 gallon Deep Blue rimless frag tank, the sump. Calcium reactor, etc. etc.
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I re purposed a 90? gallon acrylic tank for my sump. I sealed the back overflows at the bottom and installed baffles for bubble traps, sections.
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Built the stand and canopy, finished trimming it out at work. It is very similar to my 180 stand built by Reggie - Reeferman.
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I sent a picture to Reggie and in his own words he said it looks great, but cut a door in the canopy, change that ugly off color trim piece on the left of the canopy, and I hope it holds the tank up :roll: ......I agreed on all three.
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Test fit the tank to the stand/canopy. Turned out great.
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In its final location.
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For rock, I like lace rock and I am a big fan of Iwagumi. Minimalist aquascaping. I am pretty pleased with the results. I intended sps only on the main rocks, and small single rock islands on the sand for zoanthids/palythoas and some LPS placed on the sandbed. It turned out a tad taller than I wanted, but worked out well. These are bad pictures.

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Some equipment:
I reused my lights from the 180 tank and I have a backup incase something goes south.
Single P47 Led fixture over the frag tank.
Single P47 fixture, with 660nm reds, UV, and extra royal blue leds added using two 18" heat sinks.
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SRO3000 calcium reactor
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I am also using a SRO3000INT skimmer, three MP40WES - one in the frag tank, two in the display on the back wall, two Avast MR5 reactors - one for carbon, one for Phosguard.

A TINY reactor :D from AVAST that I planned on filling it with matrix, but decided to make it into a chaeto reactor.
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Here is a FTS a couple weeks ago. Please forgive the yellow tang. I have his brother in the frag tank. Both had very little to zero fins 4 months ago. They were both in my 180 and fought continuously. They both developed head line lateral erosion and have made very nice turnarounds since introduced to this tank. Once they regain their fins completely (hopefully the beginning of the year) and then they will be gifted to a larger tank. CIPP.

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With the reds,UV's and extra blues on.
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I have a few more acros and z and p's on my to get list. I'll update pictures soon. Thanks for looking.