93 cube stand/canopy sketch


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So I threw my design that I had in my head for a stand/canopy for my 93 cube on some graph paper. Let me know what you think. I'm no architect but hopefully it will make sense. I am wanting enough space to have everything contained and locked away from my 3 yr old son who likes to turn things on and off over and over again. I didn't know if it would look dumb with the tank starting 18-20" away from a wall.

PS.... It's obviously not to scale

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I can model this for you in SketchUp if you need a hand -- the 3D perspective is unbelievably helpful when designing stands/canopies.

sure, that would be awesome. I downloaded sketchup and also bought sketchup for dummies. Maybe I should have bought sketchup for idiots because I still haven't read it. I have always done a little bit of woodwork growing up (Dad had a wood working shop) but I'm definitely no professional. I thought it would be fun to build my own stand since I have a lot of time off right now.
Dustin..... WOW, I really never took the time to actually go through and look at your build threads. You are a talented dude! I am pretty sure I can make the stand/canopy but was concerned on the doors. I need to look through all of your builds and study your door making.

Great Work!