93g cube almost ready for fish


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I'm wanting some feedback on the order in which I should add the fish.

I have heard from a few places to let the fire fish take up residence first - especially since it's an open top tank.

2 or 3 tangs next? Blue and yellow but possibly some others as well like sailfin I know get them small and to add them at once.

Flame, regal, emperor, clarion angel. Would any of these need to be in any kind of order with the tangs?

Clown fish pair.


Gobies - two spot and mandarin - I'll wait for a more established micro fauna population for these.

Thanks for the help.
I would not recommend adding any large angelfish such as the emperor, regal, and clarion. These fish will easily outgrow your tank and would likely become very aggressive in a small tank.

Two tangs would probably be the max you would want to add to insure everyone is happy.

Firefish and clowns should be fine to add together. Chromis can follow with a goby. Tangs should probably be the last addition.
I am fairly certain I'll upgrade the tank in the next couple of years, but any fish that outgrow I'd be ok with trading. They would be last as well depending on how the system's bio load is. I'm definitely more interested in the flame anyway.
New sump is almost done! I should be able to install it tonight if I have time. If not tomorrow.

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The tank is cycled and up and running with some softies, zoas, rbta and clown pair.
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