A 120+ gal. multi-environment build


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So, after MONTHS of research, selection, purchases, obtaining missing parts & lots of 2nd guessing myself, my new build has finally begun!

My vision is for a multi environment reef system, which will include-
-a display environment
-a frag was nvironment
-multiple réfugia environments (day/night)
-a sand flat or display refugium environment (we’ll see ;)

I’ll also be delving into a lot of details, with the hope that some of those new to this wonderful hobby will learn along with me & hopefully avoid some mistakes.

To begin, I have purchased the following-
-Innovative Marine 50 EXT, as main display
-IM APC aluminum stand for the 50
-IM 25 EXT Lagoon, as frag environment
-2x JBJ 45 Stands for the 25 & display TBD.
-Trigger Systems TritonV2 sump (w/ day refugium)
-LifeReef Systems 10 gal. Refugium (nights)
-Bubble Magus Curve 7 protein skimmer
-2x Aquatic Life hybrid fixtures (24 inch)
-2x Aquatic Life hybrid fixture hangers
-2x AI Prime HD’s (for the 50)
-A Kessil a360we Tuna Blue (frag tank)
-50 lbs. of MarcRocks
-Bags of CaribSea Special grade & Oolitic substrate
-Jugs of Caribsea Rubble Zone aragonite
-Apex Classic, dosing pump’s, Eheim pump’s/heaters/vacuum, Hanna & Salifert test kits, a Seneye photometer, and lots of other accessories too numerous to remember...

Take away: when considering a build, be prepared because there’s a LOT to it!

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The APC stand was more trouble than it should have been, due to misalignment of the preassembled end pieces. Not to worry, it’s an inherently self aligning design. So loosening the end piece locks and retightening after some adjustment, got it together. Do this on a flat floor & avoid a repeat!

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Fit check for the sump is an important step early on.
If you mess this up, you've got a major problem to deal with.
So far, so good ;)

The living room is now a mess. So, to keep peace with my better half, I'll take a break to clean up the boxes/mess. Then run to HD for some parts.
Kudo's to Chad @ BRS & Andrew @ Trigger Systems-
I was missing some fasteners in my new Trigger Systems sump, so contacted Bulk Reef Supply via email.
Chad @ BRS replied & cc'd Andrew @ Trigger, who sent me an entirely new accessories package, just to ensure I got what was needed.
Now THAT's customer service!

Trigger parts.jpg