A deadly mistake

seedless reefer

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My prized dwarf moray died. It had been acting funny for the last few days.

Last night I saw it and knew it was breathing wrong. We put a bubbler in for extra air in case that was it.

I have thought about this and now it all makes sense.

I will share this with you so you will all know how every thing even mundane things may have an effect on the home aquarium.

Saturday the eel ate fine and was his inquisitive self.

Sunday I plugged an Airwick air freshner into an outlet in the same room.
This is the type that wicks oil from a reservoir, heats it and disperses it into the air. Sunday is when I first started noticing trouble as the eels habits changed drastically.

When I found the eel in the tank I put my hand in and noticed the water had a strange oily feel. It all coincides. I must have suffocated and poisened the eel.

I'm just tore up over this in a big way.
Man, sorry to hear! Are you thinking the Airwick left a surface oil on the water, and O2 wasn't exchanged.
Im unplugging all mine...must have 8 or nine plug ins throughout the home..Just as a second question...is there a skimmer?
flyingarmy;80962 wrote: Dude that is so wrong on so many levels!! Sorry for your loss Loren.

Dang Chrisjet! :lol2: that's just mean man...

Loren - I have only heard bad things about those things, even with children breathing in the fumes... look at flyingarmy, that's why he holds his head sideways when he talks to you... that cracka been stiffing fumes....!:wow2:
Sorry to hear about this. That was a really cool critter, too.

My deepest condolences man. I contacted the two hawaiian collectors, neither have any gdm at this time... I'll keep yah updated.
Yes, there's a skimmer, Coralife SS rated to 65 (tank is 54g, so maybe we needed much larger?).

I'm not completely sold on Loren's cause of death theory and I think he's beating himself up too much about this. Things just happen and this casualty could have resulted from any number of things. It could even have been something he ate in that Publix seafood medley.

The flamehawk that shared the tank with him is fine and we've taken out all the Airwick plug-ins. Other tanks in our home seem to be okay.