A few questions about an Aquapod 12


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First off I would like to say hello to everyone. I have been into the freshwater side of the hobby for 12+ years and have finally decided to take the plunge into saltwater.

I recently acquired a used Aquapod 12 and have a few questions about upgrading/modifying it.

I've read in numerous threads that people recommend the maxi-jet 900 for these smaller tanks. I was wondering if they are referring to the
a) "maxi-jet submersible utility water pump" http://www.petsolutions.com/C/Aquarium-Water-Pumps/I/Maxi-Jet-Submersible-Utility-Water-Pumps.aspx">http://www.petsolutions.com/C/Aquarium-Water-Pumps/I/Maxi-Jet-Submersible-Utility-Water-Pumps.aspx</a>
or b) "maxi-jet pro" [IMG]http://www.petsolutions.com/C/Aquarium-Power-Heads/I/Maxi-Jet-Pro.aspx">http://www.petsolutions.com/C/Aquarium-Power-Heads/I/Maxi-Jet-Pro.aspx</a>

I am replacing the compact florescent lighting with a single "Panorama pro LED module" [IMG]http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=24015&cmpid=03csegb&ref=3312&subref=AA">http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=24015&cmpid=03csegb&ref=3312&subref=AA</a>
I was leaning towards the 12000k/445nm model, would this be acceptable for button polyps, clove polyps, frog spawn, mushroom, brain, anemones, etc.?
If anyone has these panorama LEDs, if there any way to turn on the 445s before the 12000ks for a transitional phase? And if not can a dimmer be used on these Panoramas?
Also, can I remove the fan with the LEDs installed, or do they still produce enough heat that a fan in necessary?

I've been looking at mediabaskets.com and I know they don't make a media basket for the aquapod 12. I was wondering, can a different model be used on these tanks, possibly with a little modification? If not, does anyone have an idea of where else to buy or how to make one? I am always open for advice/ideas on how other members are setting up their filtration for these small tanks.

I am going to add a nano 240 Koralia evolution pump for added circulation, as long as that's not going to be overkill.

Other than all this I was going to block the lower vents to get better surface skimming from the filter.

I keep feeling like I'm forgetting something...

At any rate, thanks in advance for any and all help that is offered.