A Goby, a Blenny, & a Jaw fish walk into a sandbar: stocking question


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I'm working on my stocking list for my first saltwater reef tank, and I want to be sure to get it right. I know that gobies, blennies, and jaw fish are all in the same family, and with a lot of them, it's not advised to keep them together. Similar shape, color, type, etc will cause aggression. But there are some types of each that I really want to get. Is there any way to avoid this "family" feud? Any scenario where Auntie Goby & Uncle Benny don't hate each other, and can be in the same room with Cousin Jaw fish? Thanks.
Depends on the size of your tank and the aqua scape will play much of importance when deciding which fishes to keep.

It’s best to introduce them at the same time to lessen the aggression and if there is aggression you can rearrange the rock “in most case” and will change their behaviors but not always.

And those fishes you’ve mentioned do get along in most cases. Just don’t get any fishes with same colors and same shapes/patterns.

I recently got some more rocks to my 24Gallon because the aggression from 2 of 3 new fishes towards only fish that was in there. Granted, I’ve added new rocks, they kept bullying him and he is no where to be found. RIP to the purple fire fish.

Before. Too much Open space, definitely not good for em. You can see the firefish up on top by the overflow. Unable to swim freely -.-


I’ve added more rocks. Like two week ago.
I might add a small clownfish to pair up with single clown and be good?!



Nice! It's a good balance, I think, of rock and hiding places, open swimming area, and the sand bed. I had some trouble with mine. Because it's so narrow (inside glass to glass is a little under 12") it was a pain in the, but I figured it out, sort of lol. Just have to accept that it's not possible to keep my rock off the back glass. I plan to put a wave maker or pump kinda down in the back corner, angled to stir up and blow out the detritus that collects behind the rock, where the filter can catch it.