A.P.B. - Missing Colt Coral!


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All Points Bulletin.... Invisible Colt Coral Theif in my tank! :eek:

I received a small Colt Coral Frag from Brad (thanks Brad). I attached it to a small piece of live rock with a toothpick and a rubberband. That was Monday. This morning the frag was fully extended and looking good. This evening when I got home from work I noticed the toothpick, rubberband, and the small piece of live rock still sitting where I left them, but no colt coral frag. I've search my tank over, looking behind rocks (but not moving them) and other places that are viewable. Even pulled out the high powered flash light to light up the dark spots that I could look into.

My question, do I tear up my tank looking for this frag or chalk it up to the Invisible Colt Coral Thief living in my tank? :huh:
do you have a brittle star by chance? Or maybe some crab like an emerald?
I would not tear down the tank looking for that colt frag, or any other frag. Solf coral are easyer to keep then SPS. Sometime people missplace their frag only latter finding that they have a large coral sitting behind some rock.
glxtrix;34586 wrote: do you have a brittle star by chance? Or maybe some crab like an emerald?

I have 3 emerald crabs. Could one of them be the culprit?
WOLFIE;34588 wrote: I would not tear down the tank looking for that colt frag, or any other frag. Solf coral are easyer to keep then SPS. Sometime people missplace their frag only latter finding that they have a large coral sitting behind some rock.

Yeah I didn't think that was a real logical option. Hopefully I'll come down to a large coral sittlng behind one of my rocks soon. That is, if the emerald crabs didn't get to it first.
I have not seen nor heard of emerald crab eatting solf corals. I seen them eating fish, snails and even LPS.
anything is possible with an opportunistic eater. I have some kenya tree coral, or something that looks like it....Next time you find yourself down in the buckhead area, let me know and I'll give you a frag of it.