about 60 minutes away from my first powerhead

dave green

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I just got a Koralia 3 for my 55gal. I'm going to get some water movement in there!

Is there anything that I should think about before mounting, positioning and starting the pump?
Cool! I'm not going to see anything like sand swirling around, corals going nuts or fish blowing all over the place?
yeah-other than stuff REALLY close to it, it shouldn't create stuff just being whipped and swirling around--HTH
It's a frikkin' OUTBOARD MOTOR!!!!


Everything on one side of the tank is trying to figure out what just happened and the other side is saying "hey, this is pretty cool!"

Meanwhile, the condy right in the middle is, er, spread eagle? It looks likda like a long--haird cat sticking his head out the window while going down the highway, creating this really neat sunburst effect!

The plsating xenia are ducking for cover, but the galaxia is LOVING it!

Everything else just seems to be doing its thing for now (well... some button polyps which fell the other day are *really* confused right now.
just play with its angling--you don't wanna be "blowing down" your tank mates--the object is the create a nice moving current-just keep that in mind.