About to try the new jebao slw-30


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Well my new jebao slw-30 should be here tomorrow and I am looking forward to seeing what it can do . It’s supposed to be 3400gph of a wide flow with reverse . I just got tired of replacing dry sides in my mp40 and thought I would see what this can do in a 5x2x2 tank


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It’s here and time to check this out . So far I am surprised . I have seen reviews on the smaller models the slw-10 and 20 . The slw does have a wide flow and it can also reach
The other side of my 5 ft tank . Is the stream as strong as my ild
Mp 40 no but the flow is a lot wider and for the money I can add another one on the other side and it would be perfect .


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Please do let us know how this little beauty works. I've been considering one myself and would love to hear your experience. Specifically, how does the width of the flow compare to the Mp40? You mention it in your most recent post but I'm not really following.
The flow of the mp40 is kinda of a wide flow but narrow . I had two mp40 on one side and two on the other . The one slw-30 pretty much covers the whole width of my 24” wide tank
Ok I am going to post a video but first let me give you a little back story . Almost a year ago to date I got sick . By may I was told I had a lung disease. By summer I had one biopsy by end of summer I was in the hospital getting pieces of my lungs cut off for another biopsy. Then while I was there I was told Inhad 3 years to live . Ok I was 43 had to have oxygen 24/7 and using a walker . Well 3 week later went in for a check up and by the grace of God everything was fine . My lung xrays where normal . Ok enough about that . My tank pretty much was not touched for a water change or anything for almost a year . So that explains my hair Algea forest that I am working on .
Trying to post a video but I can not seem to figure out how
I was never a fan of the mp40s in the beginning, mainly due to cost. However, after owning 1... I bought 2 more. I had the Jebaos & Gyres, and I tell you, the ease of cleaning the mp40 got me sold. I don't have to disconnect any wires or bring a bucket of water/vinegar into my living room to have it soak if I didn't want to unplug everything. It made it all worth it. Just power down the pump, pop the wetside off, drop in some water with citric acid and a few hours later, toothbrush it slightly, rinse and back in business. That made it all worth it to me.
That is one of the cool parts about this pump . All you have to do is pop the cover off take the blade out and clean it and done but only time will tell how cleaning this will go but I do like will see
The blade comes right out from around the motor , the back of the motor can stay in the tank