Acan enchinata losing color


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Why is my (orange crush) acan enchinata losing it's bright colors?

The color is fading from orange, blue, purple to kind of a dull uniform purple.

I've had it under a kessil a-150 in a 10 gallon tank for a few weeks

79° F
1.025 SG
~20 ppm nitrate

Kent marine reef salt
Running carbon with a little phosguard mixed in
Moderate flow
And is it recommended against using a product like Brightwell KoralColor which you can't really test for
its probably the kessil, and use that koralcolor very sparingly. it will make acans turn orange and other lps loose color or morph
JimmyStephens;976252 wrote: Ive seen acans and other lps loose color because of high nitrates and or phos.

I'm going to up the water changes and add a bit of phosguard to the reactor.

I have a big (75g rated) HOB filter that I have filled to the brim with matrix outside drying from being bleached but it keeps raining! I might also just go ahead and switch everything over to a 29g tank from the ten gallon. Just keeping things separated in diff tanks until I get the new system up and running, think I have bryopsis in the other tank.
tater;976253 wrote: its probably the kessil, and use that koralcolor very sparingly. it will make acans turn orange and other lps loose color or morph

I can add a dual t5. And if I decide to use the koralcolor I will be cautious thanks for the heads up
There's barely any in the reactor. Maybe 1/5 cup or less
I have a lb of GFO but the phosguard is just soooo much easier to use.
It's pellets, like round little white balls. Do I have my brand names mixed up? I just don't see how it could irritate coral. No dust or particles come off it
I've never had anything bothered by phosguard.

What else is in the tank? Is is getting more light than previously? Pic?
Nothing messing with it at all. It was in ReefKeeper's tank before mine so I'm not really sure if it was getting more light.

My clown lays on it sometimes but I seriously doubt that's causing it to lose color. I feed the tank reef roids and clams once a week, and it did actually eat two loose ricordea mushrooms that were floating around the tank. Lol.

So I looked into the phosguard and apparently it leaches aluminum back I to the water when exhausted, which I doubt it is already, and with the rate I change water I doubt it could be too much..

It's probably nitrate.
I expect the lighting is too high, I had one really fade out on me and start looking bad till I took it way out of direct light. Tho the high nitrates are likely contributing
Camellia;976402 wrote: I've never had anything bothered by phosguard.

What else is in the tank? Is is getting more light than previously? Pic?

Could be lacking Po4, Phosguard may be over striping the tank of nutrients.