ACjr configuration questions


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So I'm interested in the neptune power buy, but I would like to know from some of you that own this device if it is possible to buy two DC4's with the ACjr and have one connected to a battery backup while the other is connected to a standard outlet? I assume I'd still have individual control of both DC4's outlets in such a configuration. Can I do that with their 2-outlet "Socket Expansion"?

Also, when they say you should get the DC4HD for Icecap ballasts, do they mean the magnetic ballasts for MH's and/or the electronic ballasts for T5's?

I'd ask their sales support but they're not open on the weekends.

They mean the elec. ballasts for MH. They told me that I could use either the DC8 or the DC4HD for the icecap 660's.I think Im going to buy 2- DC8's instead of a DC8 and a DC4HD.That way I will have more options to plug stuff in.
Yes you can buy 2-DC4's or whatever combo you want as long as it doesnt go over the allowed number of controlled outlets.
dsmitchell;48364 wrote: So I'm interested in the neptune power buy, but I would like to know from some of you that own this device if it is possible to buy two DC4's with the ACjr and have one connected to a battery backup while the other is connected to a standard outlet? I assume I'd still have individual control of both DC4's outlets in such a configuration. Can I do that with their 2-outlet "Socket Expansion"?

Also, when they say you should get the DC4HD for Icecap ballasts, do they mean the magnetic ballasts for MH's and/or the electronic ballasts for T5's?

I'd ask their sales support but they're not open on the weekends.

You can plug a DC8, DC4, DC4HD or the socket expansion into a battery backup but it won't last long on battery power. If you are looking for a 15 minute or so battery time for some pumps, then it will work great. If you are trying to keep your pumps running for hours, look into another solution. UPSes are not good for running AC items for long durations under any configuration.

Personally, I would use the DC4HD or Socket Expansion for any heavy draw item such as a chiller or ballast (T5, MH or otherwise) to prevent noise from entering the system. I haven't had any problems with my AC3 running T5 ballasts on a DC8, but I had lots of problems with my RK2 and T5 ballasts and it is a possibility on the DC8.