acro crabs


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does anyone sell these lil guys seperate from the acros? I'ld love to get one but the only ones Ive seen lately are on corals and I've already spent by budget on corals this year :(
Good question. I don't think I've ever seen one for sale. I got one on a SPS from Imagine Ocean, then he disappeared. I thought he died, but I saw him just a few days ago playing in my Sun Coral. :) I'll ping Jen at Imagine Ocean to see if it is possible to get some in separate from corals.
They dont usually live outside of their host corals, so I would doubt they are available readily. I had two in an stylophora, and one move to a pocillopora recently. When I try to get a picture, it is too hard, because he's way in there and the coral polyps cover it.

Dont be too enthralled, though. All of the great polyp extension I had in the core of the pocillopora is now gone, and the inner area is dying off due to his activity.
I just know they are good to help keep the acros clean of ditrus and parasites. Plus they are cute as hell.
I recently saw two hiding in Acros at the store in Buckhead. The Fish Store and More. Not sure if they would consider shaking the little guy out of the host coral? Might be worth asking if they are for sale seperate from the coral. Good luck and have fun. :)
yeah I thought of asking them that a awhile ago when I fist saw those corals that came in, never really jumped on asking them tho, maybe I'll give that a try, thanks.
i know i'm sounding like a pooper, but it is **** hard to get them out of the coral, there is no guarantee they are not host specific, and Im not sure a store would be willing to risk all this to sell a crab at a likely minimal cost. But i dont knwo, its worth a shot.
yeah I figured as much, maybe I'll just save up and buy a new coral with a crab in it.
Got a white Acro with a small crab in it. I got it about two months ago, and after about a week, I was sure I was seeing something moving in it. I was at first terrified, I kept thinking of the worm incident on the oregon reef site. It got big enough to ID it as a crab a few days later and it is growing slowly and pretty much stays hidden. It is white, but all I ever really see is its claws. its a neat hitchhiker 4 sure