Added a Diamond Goby and my tank is cloudy


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I added a Diamond Goby on Sat. I had a crystal clear tank until I came home from work last night. It's better this morning, but that's just b/c the goby went to his hole last night and hasn't had a chance to stir the sand up today. He came out this morning and has gone back to sifting sand.

I understand that he is helping remove all the silt in my sand and oxygenate it, but my problem is will this take a long time to work out? And more importantly, I have small Regal Tang and two clown fish in there and I don't want them to get stressed out and end up with Ich.

Any suggestions?
You might try running a canister or HOB filter with a micron filter for a week or so to remove the particulate. I wouldn't leave it on long term, but just until the silt clears up.

Someone probably has a Magnum 350 canister w/ micron filter laying around that you could borrow.
thanks. I have a 200 micron filter sock catching everything as it comes down from my tank into the sump. Won't that do basically the same thing?
They are great sand sifters and sounds like yours is doing a smash up job. If you wait a few days the clouds will die down. Mine did the same thing in my southdown tank, and even that cleared in a few days. The goby just needs some time to turn over the tank a little and after that the sand seems to get heavier and the fines are mostly cleared out. However, he will also drop sand over everything in your tank, so get used to seeing sand everywhere.

How long has your tank been running?
Stanfill Reef;35331 wrote: They are great sand sifters and sounds like yours is doing a smash up job. If you wait a few days the clouds will die down. Mine did the same thing in my southdown tank, and even that cleared in a few days. The goby just needs some time to turn over the tank a little and after that the sand seems to get heavier and the fines are mostly cleared out. However, he will also drop sand over everything in your tank, so get used to seeing sand everywhere.

How long has your tank been running?

Thanks for the heads up. My tank has been up for about a month and a half.
As your tank gets older it will get less dusty too. The bacteria will form a good layer on the sand and it will be more dense and less likely to dust. Time is a great thing.