Added a Niger -- YT tried to kill him!


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Just thought I'd share this experience.

Today I added a Niger Trigger to my 125g which is home to a large Yellow Tang and a large Sailfin. The Niger is medium in size. Once in the tank he went into an overhang (tunnel) that the YT uses to get to the back of the tank. The YT saw him and went after him like a terrorist! I hit the lights to calm everyone down. I left the lights off for an hour two and saw the Niger swimming with no apparent harm. I decided to turn the lights on again and see if everyone want something to eat. Feed some mysis shrimp soaked in Selcon and the trigger eat like a hog along with YT and everyone else.

<u>Lesson</u>: As the books recommend -- turn off the lights when adding a new member to an established tank.
the niger's are pretty much bulletproof; they should get along after a while-just keep your lights off some the next week or so.
Our yellow tang took on not one, but two rabbitfish when we first added them to the 125. Backed them right into a corner. It was almost funny watching the rabbits flash their fins and the tang backing into them with its scalpel bared.

Everyone gets along fine now though. They just needed that initial stand-off to set the ground rules.
my yellow tang went off on my sailfin and my blonde naso....the sailfin was easily bigger than him and he still wasnt scared to take him down....i left the lights off for 24 hours and eventually took the yellow tang out and back to the store he went.