Adding a tang after a flame angel?


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Could we add a tang after we get a flame angel? We're going to be switching over to our 90 soon and won't have algae everywhere.. so didn't want to buy a tang first and it end up starving. Could we get one after a flame angel?
I put a naso in my new 180 with no algae for him to eat. I have provided him with food and since day one. He is so fat I'm beginning to see fat rolls.
I don't really see a problem with it so long as you have room for both fish. The tang will dominate the flame angel and likely put it in its place. Flames can be bullies, but they're certainly not the baddest fish around.

But like (I'm learning) with any tang, you will need to offer it algae to supplement what it can pull off the rocks.
Thanks guys ;) We have TONS of algae sheets (brown & green) also algae flakes and emerald entree, so we definitely could keep one fed!

Edit: According to LiveAquaria, we could have any of these tangs.
Kole Yellow Eye
Mimic Lemon Peel
Bristletooth Tomini
Mimic Half Black Tang
Squaretail Bristletooth
Two Spot Bristletooth
White Tail Bristletooth.

Minimum tank size: 70gal. We've been wanting a Kole Yellow Eye. The tang we get will be in a 90gal. Is this true?

So we could add the flame angel or a tang at anytime and they should be fine?
be careful on taking Liveaquaria's word on what will be suitable for your tank.

I'd urge you to look on the forum here as well as look up the given fish on"></a> to get more background.

The flame will eat pretty much anything you put in the tank so I wouldn't be overly concerned with it.
JeF4y;783675 wrote: be careful on taking Liveaquaria's word on what will be suitable for your tank.


Imo You would have better luck talking to some one on here that has had one in their DT or speaking with one of our sponsors.
I added a Tonini tang a few years after a flame angel the tang is still smaller then the angel and they are buddies from day one sumtimes I thank they are trying to mate with each other they dance a lot togeather