Adding Garlic


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What does everyone think of adding garlic to food? Whats the pros and cons? Reasons people do it? etc..

The reason I ask is my Naso isnt eating as much as he was a few days ago. The last couple of days, he hadnt really touched it. He has only been in my system for 2 weeks. Also, hes been hiding in the rocks lately. I hope Im just over reacting.

Ph 8.2
Amm 0
Nitrites >.25
Nitrates >10
Cal. 450
Alk. 7-8ish
Temp. 78
There is theory that garlic boosts the immune system. There is also plenty of evidence (of the "worked for me" kind) that it is a stimulant to feeding response. I have never heard of any cons.
+1 on stimulant to eat alot of attractants for bass fishing are garlic scented, had a bottle of jj's bust in the boat smelled like an italian restaraunt all summer.
Feed your tang sheets of nori seaweed from publix with drops of selcon 2x a day. That should do it. No scientific evidence of garlic either way. I add garlic extract to my food mix, but I don't know what it does. I know selcon does a bunch.
grouper therapy;378791 wrote: Good neighbor??


garlic definitely makes a difference in feeding response. i notice a big difference in more concentrated formulas as well, such as kent garlic extreme or the brightwell garlic. rinse the frozen food in a net under cold water until it's thawed and all the goo washes away, squeeze out what moisture you can and roll it into a ball of paste, then drip the garlic on top, stir it up and let it soak for about 10 minutes. put that in the tank and all your fish will go nuts. it may take the naso a few times before he actually starts eating the food, but you should see increased interest in feeding time from him almost immediately.