Adding kalk to existing topoff system - questions


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I've had a fairly low-tech auto topoff system for a couple years now for my 65 gallon reef tank. It's basically a 10 gallon aquarium with some small powerhead attached to a JBJ ATO controller. I fill the tank with RODI every time it gets low and that's about all there is to that. Never had an issue with the JBJ or its float valves.

In an effort to keep more consistent calcium, alk, and pH numbers, I am considering adding kalkwasser to the ATO equation. In order to do this, I am planning on only letting the ATO be active at night (when pH naturally drops), and am switching out the powerhead with a dosing pump (Aqualifter).

Some questions I have:

1) is it going to be a pain to mix the kalk in with the RODI water? I have never worked with it before but I understand it tends to create a sludge in the bottom of whatever container it is mixed in

2) Should I have the intake for the Aqualifter pump well above the bottom of the tank to avoid the sludge/slurry?

3) is it worthwhile to run a powerhead in the tank during the day to keep the kalk stirred up? If this is a viable thing to do, I could envision it running on a timer for a few hours during daylight, giving the stuff plenty of time to settle down prior to the ATO turning on after the lights are off.

4) I have one open port left on my RK2 controller. I was going to plug the ATO system into the controller, and use it to turn it on only during the hours that the main lights are off. Is it possible on the RK2 to have both a timer setting, and a pH-based setting (ie don't let it turn on IF the tank pH is above a threshold level?)

Thanks in advance for any input or suggestions.

The problem you will have is calcium precipitation caused by water evaporation on top of your kalkwasser. It forms a film on the top of the water that is insoluable calcium, not kalk. That precipitation will cause more to precipitate and it can eventually ruin your batch of kalk.

What you need for dosing kalk is a sealed container to pump RO water through which then pushes out kalkwasser into the tank. Depending on how much you're dosing, it can be a simple system with one of those rubbermaid food jars or you may need something more involved if you're needing to dose a lot.
I have a 30g storage tank i fill up with RO water and Kalk. My aqualifter is 2" off the bottom and it's powered by auto topp off unit. One a week or so i fill up the container and add my kalk, mix and turn the auto topp off on about 3 hrs later. I do not sturr it untill i need to add more RO. Once every 3 months or so i clean out the bottom of the container.

Ph of my topp off water is 12.3 +/- .2

I still have to add calcium a little but my alk and ph are steady.

I evay a gallon a day.
Try this. I have been using one for over a year and it works great.

Thanks for the info folks.

The DIY project looks intriguing, and might be something that even someone of my dubious skill level could have a shot at pulling off.

For those that run this kind of DIY kalk system... how do you know how much kalk powder to add at any given time? Or does it even matter, since the saturation is occurring dynamically as the water flows through it?
I just put in some in the bottom. The water is out of the top so the saturation is the key. Almost fool proof.
Ive never done more than a simple Kalk drip myself, however this is an interesting bit of info: