Adding MH lighting questions


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I’m just finishing up upgrading my lighting and I have a question about how to sequence the lights, how long to leave them on and if I should change out any of the bulb types. The tank is a 70g corner tank and it was originally set up with four Hagen T5 HO bulbs. It had a pair of 18K Power Glo, one 24W and one 39W and a pair of Marine Glo actinic blue 420nm to 460 nm bulbs one 24W and one 39W. The different sizes were to fit in the ¼ circle shape of the hood. My first addition was two blue LED strips for moonlighting which you can see in the first photo. The big step was adding the 250W 14K Phoenix pendant which required cutting a hole in the top of the hood and moving the bulbs around to minimize overlap. While I was ripping it all apart I also decided to cover everything with Mylar and I added two fans, one pushing air in and one pulling air out. Before all of this I had all four bulbs come on at 1:30pm and turn off at 9:30pm and the moonlighting was on from 9:30pm – 10:30pm, unless I wanted to feed the candy cane, which wouldn’t come out with the moonlights on. I’m wiring it up so that the 18K, Actinic, moonlights and MH are all separate. At first I was going to still have the T5s and Moonlights on the same schedule, but I was thinking that the MH should be on for less time. I’m also wondering if I should replace the 18K bulbs with two more Actinic now that I have the MH. What do you think? Here are the before and “in progress” shots. I photoshoped the color bars in so you can see approximately where the bulbs go.