Advice on catching an eel - Breaking down nano.


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So, I'm on a kick where I feel like I have too many tanks. I've already sold the nano cube with the mantis, and now I'm thinking about breaking down my "display nano". It's a JBJ 12G NanoCube deluxe. One of the two moonlights doesn't work and never did brand new out of the box. I'm wavering on keeping the coral and fish right now. It only has some mushrooms, a toadstool, a gorgeous red gorgonian, and some zoas. Some of the corals that have attached to rock would probably have to go. The only fish and inverts are two sexy shrimp, that would need to go with the nano, a pistol goby pair, a fighting conch, and a hermit.

In the display tank, I have a snowflake eel that would make quick work of the pistol. There's also a blue jaw trigger in there, but I think it might be able to hold out against him. What are the thoughts? I'm kind of attached to the pair, and would rather catch the eel and find a new home for him than my shrimp and goby. Any ideas on catching him? He's probably fifteen inches long or more, and at least as big around as a large thumb.

Would there be any interest in the nano? I bought it new and it's in very good condition. Has sand and a good bit of rock. Looking for pics now. I would probably leave some coral in it, but not tons.
Looks like I deleted all my photobucket pics of the nanocube, but I'll upload some more when I get back to the casa.

Here's a link from JBJ with the specs on the system.">JBJ NanoCube</a>

This image is NOT mine.

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To catch the eel:

Put a small length of PVC in the tank. Wait for the eel to scope it out for his new hidey hole. Place a net on each end of the PVC, and lift him out to the bucket of saltwater that you have waiting to put him in.

Just be sure to have a lid. Vent it or otherwise so he gets oxygen... but cover it somehow or he will likely jump out.

It's two 24W Power compacts with an external ballast. Has been working fine for growing out leather, mushrooms, zoas, and a ricordia.
JennM;338000 wrote: To catch the eel:

Put a small length of PVC in the tank. Wait for the eel to scope it out for his new hidey hole. Place a net on each end of the PVC, and lift him out to the bucket of saltwater that you have waiting to put him in.

Just be sure to have a lid. Vent it or otherwise so he gets oxygen... but cover it somehow or he will likely jump out.


Is it TMI for me to tell you I love you?! You think he'll go check it out even though he has tons of hidey holes in the rock?
LOL only if it's in a friend kind of way :)

You may have to be patient for a bit for him to explore it, but that's usually the way we catch them. If you try a net alone, I can pretty much guarantee he'll end up on the floor (ask Brian!)

Using the method I described, it's a pretty easy snag to get it to a bucket or bag. Just hold the nets firmly on the end of the pipe and move the entire assembly to the bucket. Just put it vertical before you put it in the bucket, then remove all the hardware - lifting the pipe, he'll slide right out :)

waiting for pics. of you doing this-lol; and yes, ILU was WAY too much TMI for some on here (not me, though-lol)
To catch an eel...
Very small hook with a bit of shrimp on it... I find lite tackle works best... You really want a rod with a super lite action...


Just do what JennM said, but I would cap one end from the start... Then you just have to catch the other...
Ok, trying to get pics up now and working on a stock list. I think I'm gonna let the orange spotted goby and pistol go with it, since my husband pointed out that I might never see them in he 90.
ericmcj31;338053 wrote: waiting for pics. of you doing this-lol; and yes, ILU was WAY too much TMI for some on here (not me, though-lol)

+1!! I want to see the video of you catching the eel!!! (even if you are going to keep him I think you should try to catch him for practice ... and our amusement!) :D

Yeah, I'm torn about it. LOVE having it on the high bar outside the kitchen, but think I'd do more with my DT if I didn't have it.

Eel has been reading this thread. Tonight while doing some frag swapping, he tried to eat me. As I fed him, he stayed completely out of the rocks and chased me across the tank. I probably could've grabbed him. Of course, NOWHERE to put him if I had. I'll never have the chance again, lol.
I asked Tim at Keen today what it would feel like if it bit me.... he tried to cut my pinky off with bone cutters.... I still don't know if he was serious.