Advice on Maxspect Razor 300w for 5ft mixed reef


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Marietta/ East Cobb
I am looking at lighting upgrades since I moved to a 120 gallon, 5ft tank.  I am currently running two SB Reef 16" pro lights and really pushing them to cover the whole tank.  The two lights have about 300w combined.  I had to mount them super high to hit the middle and sides and want some more consistent light throughout.

I am looking at someone selling a 300 watt Maxspect Razor 300w light for about $300.  Is this a good deal these days?  I know brand new these lights were around $900, but this is the r420r version so likely 4-5 years old.  Does anyone have any insight on these lights, from what I have read so far they seem to be well regarded.  The fixture is somewhere around 42-43" I think, but I think if I mount it 12" above my tank I should get good spread.

Just looking for some insight if anyone has some knowledge here.  Thanks.
