Advice please .......... Tank Breakdown


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So sadly after 7 years (yes I know it's been a while since I have been on here), I am thinking of taking my tank down. Time is sparse and some of my livestock are becoming issues that need to be resolved relative to the size of my tank. Key among them is my now 10" Derasa Clam that has taken to spawning a lot and expelling water (tank is shallow) far from the tank if he gets annoyed with his position in the tank.

How have folks that have taken a break from the hobby found it best to ease out and make sure that livestock goes to very good homes. My clam as well as my Blue Carpet Anemone have been with me for many, many years. I'm honestly not even sure how to get the anemone out as he's been in the same spot for nearly 6 years. And he's not 10x the size as when he started with me.

1) Give them all to a local fish store ?
2) Part them out uniquely to people that are interested ?
3) Find someone that wants everything in your tank ?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated as I figure out next steps for my family of critters.
Thats a really tough decision. I think it depends on your financial situation. You can find great homes for the livestock since your rightfully attached to them. You can sell them privately or sell them at a Discounted rate to the lfs.