Advice with fish being beaten up


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I have a new tank member, a small (1") blue tang but the other tank members (yellow tang, PBT, damsels) are killing this little guy, no matter where he hides they hunt him down and have a go at him.

I've moved him into a floating breeder tank, is it ok to leave him in there and for how long?

That sucks - I don't have any advice but my yellow tang is an *** also makes me second guess keeping him but he's one of my sons favorite fish.

What size tank is it? I read if it's tight they become
more aggressive so I'm about to put that theory to a test with this 150 upgrade
When did you add him?
Is he or she smaller than the others?
Smaller fish would most likely get beat up by the bigger guys.
Best to add fish to the tank at lights out and after everyone has been fed.
Yeah unfortunately he is a lot smaller - he went in yesterday, I found him hiding under a rock but fine this morning but the other fish know how to get him out his spot and just chase him so now he is in his own little tank ....
Sorry but i've been down that road before and it doesn't sounds like this story has a good ending.
Might have to rehome him or give him his own tank.
Yellow and powder blues are two of the most territorial tangs, and will likely not stop picking on the blue tang until it is dead.

As mentioned above, the best option for the fish is to rehome.
My yellow tang can be a bully too. After s few days of checking out new tank Mates she's ok but sounds like yours maybe a real brat!
Damsels are jerks. Period.

3 tangs in a 75 are two too many. Even if they are small, once they grow the problems get worse.

The regal is the same body type as the powder blue, so the established fish sees it as a rival. That isn't going to change.

Those teeny tiny blues are very fragile. Needs to be fed constantly or it will just wither and die, even if it isn't being beaten to death.

I had my fish watch the entire karate kid series and it solved all the problems. When that fish did the crane kick wow....... Okay maybe not
Well I put him in his own "hotel" - a nice little 10G nano-reef but the little guy went and died anyway .... :( o well. The other inmates seem to be getting along.
Yeah I won't add anything else, it's a long story on how I ended up with so many tangs but anyway, they are in there now.
i just took out my yellow tang. i have a 265 and all i could hold was a regal.
i kept him for a year before i gave him back.

he killed a copperband and a powder blue.

i figured it "might" work in a 265 but that yellow tang was relentless.

he is gone as of today. beautiful fish but not worth the aggression.
My yellow and sailfin get along fine in my 200g, but they are the same size which I think is the most important thing when it come to multiple tangs in the same tank.