Affortable lighting?


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Well, I'm working on my 75g build, which the tank is 48" long. I'm trying to figure out a good lighting setup that won't kill my budget (single dad here). I'd love to go with an LED set up, but I'm not against T5HO. If I went the t5 route, I was thinking maybe a quad so I can have 2 daylight and 2 blue actinic, and I'd like some moonlight LED's too. Going for the LED route, I was looking at the Current USA marine LED set up. Thinking maybe I could go with the 36" model since I'll have several inches of sand on each end for cleaning purposes. Not opposed to the full 48" though. I was reading that you may not be able to grow SPS with it though, and anything at the bottom of the tank may not get enough light.

I've been looking for good deals on used stuff. Not too much out there. Most come with a setup and the owners are selling the lot.

Any ideas?
Posting your budget would help!

The Orbit isnt bad, but you would definitely want the 48inch model to get maximum coverage, depending on the dimensions of your might have a lot of dead space the light won't cover to due it being fairly narrow. What type of tank is it and do you know dimensions...

You can get away with SPS using the pro model, but if you're tank is very deep, you probably can't.

Are you opposed to hanging lights? Do you want control features etc?
i have a 27" maxspect razor, wouldn't cover the whole tank but it would be a start
2 .. or if possible 3 ocean revive LEDs are your best bet if you want to do led for cheap. they will grow sps and i assume softies just fine.

I'd like to keep it ~$250 and under. I know that's pushing it. I've seen a cheap chinese(?) MH setup with 2 MH lights, 4 t5ho lights, and some LEDs. Some guy on facebook marketplace had it. I would change all of the lights, but I'm not sure if its even a quality fixture.
SnowManSnow;1109040 wrote: 2 .. or if possible 3 ocean revive LEDs are your best bet if you want to do led for cheap. they will grow sps and i assume softies just fine.

ditto. I have had success with these lights. I run 2 on a 48" 60g shallow. They are about 18" off the water and the blues are 77% and the whites are 27%. If you want a mixed or LPS reef then 2 units is perfect. If you want SPS covering all 48" then you need 3 units.

My problem with the lights currently is that I can only find them for $200 each and they include a mounting bracket that I have absolutely no need for. I bought them last year for $150. Snowman I recall you telling me you got an even better deal than that.

Reefbreeders sells the exact same unit under a different model, but once again its $200 and includes the mount.
If it were me....I would go with BobZ's Tek 48" T5HO fixture found here:"></a>

These fixtures put out mega light and with his's highly affordable.
also important to weigh the cost of T5 replacement bulbs over time. LEDs are no doubt the cheapest option by far in the long run.
Kirkwood;1109048 wrote: also important to weigh the cost of T5 replacement bulbs over time. LEDs are no doubt the cheapest option by far in the long run.

i do have to say, and it may be because of my lack of reefing experience or patience that for me T5 won out eventually because i needed results.
that being said... i didn't take a ton of time to fine tune all the LED stuff.

Oddly, the OR gave me better results than my radions
I had (2) 48" Marine Orbit Leds on my 9" deep frag tank and they were fantastic. Any Deeper I'd be very concerned about your par levels. I've heard the the leds SnowManSnow recommended are great. You can also check Reef Radiances website. I have 2 of the Starfires over my frag tank. They do a great job and are wireless. On sale they run about $130 each. I've be seen them as low as $108.

Then if you decide on T5s ARC is running an auction on 24" T5s. (We may have more coming up in future weeks. (Maybe) :)

Here's the thread with links to the FB auction.

telsonman;1109126 wrote: Where is the $129 deal? I can only see the $199 ones.

get a quote from Shaq at reefShaq and see what his price for you is.
I THOUGHT i did 129, but I could be mistaken.
BTW buying from a sponsor gets you a sizable discount:) I'm sure you're aware
SnowManSnow;1109136 wrote: get a quote from Shaq at reefShaq and see what his price for you is.
I THOUGHT i did 129, but I could be mistaken.
BTW buying from a sponsor gets you a sizable discount:) I'm sure you're aware

However discounts are only applicable to PAID club members. Non-members that can't show proof of membership are not entitled to any discounts from our sponsors. Membership has it's rewards! This is a great example....Cost of light on the street...$199. ARC Membership....$30. Club Member price for same light....$129. You just saved yourself $40 on one purchase above and beyond the cost of membership!!