African Cichlid Tank


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I have an OB peacock in a 40gal corner tank with an Acei, Yellow Lab, and A. Jacobfreibergi "eureka" Peacock. All of them are between 2-3" but the OB is the largest of the group.
Recently I removed a Blood Parrot from the tank because he was very aggressive towards all of the fish over his territory and food as well. I replaced the BP with a Syno. Nigriventris who is enjoying all of the scraps since I had no bottom feeders in the tank at all, he gets along well since he hides until its dark in there anyways.

The hierarchy went: BP > OB peacock > Acei > Eureka > Lab
Now it is: Eureka>Acei>Lab and the OB sticks to himself, lol

Now once the BP isn't in there, the OB is constantly hiding, and hasn't come out from his space whenever I get near the tank, even during feeding. He does defend his cave by chasing the others out, but promptly returns to his hole.
I also noticed that his colors have started to intensify, oranges and blacks are finally starting to get more dark/vibrant, which is the opposite of what I would expect from his behavior.

As far as water goes:
Nitrates: 20ppm
Nitrites: 0
Ammonia: 0
pH: 7.4 (yea its a little low, I'm slowly moving it up)

I do 30% water changes weekly as well.

The not eating part is the only thing concerning me in this, since it seems he has finally staked a claim on some territory where he wasn't able to do so with the bully BP before.

Any thoughts?
Not sure if they're mouth brooders or not, but if you have a male/female that can breed at all in there, he may be carrying eggs/fry.
they certainly are mouth brooders, but as far as I know all 4 of them are males based on coloration and markings.
So I looked into it more and think it might possibly be Malawi Bloat, but I havent noticed any irregular poop or swelling on him anywhere.