Agressive Fish


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I just added a firefish to my tank and which is a 10G nano.

I have a clown and hawk blenny and they both are ganging up on the firefish.

Is there anything i can do to stop them from harrassing the firefish?

I don't want to rearrange the tank but will if i have to.

Will they work their differences out over time or will i need to step in?
All of mine gang up on the new fish when it's introduced. My roommate said it's "blood in, blood out" like a gang, lol. The first morning they come out a little beat up, but after that they're fine.

Introduce new fish a few minutes after the lights go off so they get all night to figure out where to hide.
I just added a firefish with a clown and mccoskers wrasse and they both bugged him for the first few hours only after that they are all peaceful.. id say wait it out but im a noob so just my .02 :p
I haven't seen the firefish since i added it and it's been 2 days now.

I hope he's ok hiding in the tank somewhere!
Dvara78;282519 wrote: I haven't seen the firefish since i added it and it's been 2 days now.

I hope he's ok hiding in the tank somewhere!

Check the chambers of your nano. If the FF was still being harassed , he may have hopped over the divider.

Hope you find him!

put mine in about 2 weeks ago. He was chased by my 6 line and flame angle. He/She spent about 3 days in seclusion just comming out to feed and poke his head out to see if "they" were around. After the rest of the clan got use to him they have left him alone, and everything is fine now. Good luck. everything will be fine... if he has not jumped trying to avoid the attackers.