AI Hydra 64 Help


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Covington, Ga
I have a couple and im trying to download the presets on the signature series website. When i click the download button it just brings me to a page with numbers on it? Anyone have this issue? How can I fix it?
I've found it's easier to interface with the lights for profile download/upload using a computer. You should be able to access the light by it's private IP address if you are on the same local network.

We ran this one for a while from AI's website:

The rest on their site are here:

Note the .aip file extension. It needs to be in this format to be uploaded to the light.
I've found it's easier to interface with the lights for profile download/upload using a computer. You should be able to access the light by it's private IP address if you are on the same local network.

We ran this one for a while from AI's website:

The rest on their site are here:

Note the .aip file extension. It needs to be in this format to be uploaded to the light.
How do i access the lights IP address? where can i find that?
How do i access the lights IP address? where can i find that?
Good to know. We have the 26 series here. Didn't realize they took the Wi-Fi away. It sounds like support for Wi-Fi is planned again for the 16/32/64 HD but they don't make it clear as to if it will be a new model with Wi-Fi or if they will enable it for these lights with a firmware update.

I guess it's just Bluetooth for now.

Here's a link on how to upload the .aip file for the preset using the app:

Good to know. We have the 26 series here. Didn't realize they took the Wi-Fi away. It sounds like support for Wi-Fi is planned again for the 16/32/64 HD but they don't make it clear as to if it will be a new model with Wi-Fi or if they will enable it for these lights with a firmware update.

I guess it's just Bluetooth for now.

Here's a link on how to upload the .aip file for the preset using the app:

Yea i know how to upload it my issue is when i try to download one on my phone it just gives me a page of text, it doesnt actually download anything.
Yea i know how to upload it my issue is when i try to download one on my phone it just gives me a page of text, it doesnt actually download anything.
Sounds like your phone is saving it as a text file instead of with the .aip extension. When you go to download it, can you long-press the link and 'save-as' then specify .aip instead of letting your browser determine what type of file to save it as?
I’ve followed that video already. When I click more the copy to myAI isn’t there. I called AI’s support and they sent me the same video.

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I'm not sure if the app behaves the same with the Bluetooth only lights, but I know with mine there are several options that are not displayed to me unless I first log into the My AI app. Are you logged in? I'm assuming the light is already paired and showing up in the app? This is just to load a new profile to it?
I'm not sure if the app behaves the same with the Bluetooth only lights, but I know with mine there are several options that are not displayed to me unless I first log into the My AI app. Are you logged in? I'm assuming the light is already paired and showing up in the app? This is just to load a new profile to it?

I am logged in. The lights are paired. I’m just trying to put in the BRS AB+ schedule.

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