AIO Conversion Help


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I've upgraded to a 20g, so heck why not turn it into an AIO while at it. AIO kits online are going in the hundreds, so why not just DIY this one?

I haven't been able to find any good software where I can map this out, though. I'll be needing to make a scale model on a 2D pdf, which I can then send off to be cut into acrylic, and then be siliconed into my tank for the fraction of the price of a store bought kit. Thanks!
Hi Salty, yes a DIY AIO project is  the way to go! No need for a scale model, draw up what you want and have the acrylic cut to size. I would be happy to help cut and glue the acrylic, its a pretty easy process.  Whatever you decide, a word of caution...NEVER cut a piece of acrylic to the exact size so it touches both glass sides of the tank, this is a reciepe for a disaster (cracked tank and water all over).  Always cut the acrylic to about 1/8" short of touching the glass on both sides as the silicone acts as a shock absorber.  With a false wall, the acrylic can touch the back glass of the tank, just not the right to left sides.

PM me for contact info and I can walk you through some ideas.  I've been building AIO's for over 30 years, here's a bad pic of one of my AIO's (75g). this one has the false wall on the side, wanted the spill over large enough to support a decent size skimmer.

alt="IMG_3362" />
Hey @Salty, Having seen Dave's tanks in person, I can tell you that he's the man if you need information on how to best DIY your AIO. His picture does not do the tank justice.
Thanks for the help! Here's the plan I designed so far using illustrator. It'll be around 11.3 x 16 in, with ~1cm left for silicone. The hole is for a 1/2" return nozzle and the media basket in the back will be an egg crate contraption. The 75g looks really impressive, and the AIO wall makes it all the better, so im looking forward so seeing how the 20g will turn out.

<img class="aligncenter" src="[/IMG] alt="acrylicplan" />
I know a lot of woodworkers use a program called sketch up.  I does 3D stuff, may have a setting for 2D somewhere in the software.  I think there are free download versions.  Maybe give it a google, see what happens.  I tried it a little and it was not the easiest to learn but I’m not educated at all in design.