Aiptasia everywhere. Need advice


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So I have an abundance of Aiptasia to say the least of it. I beyond tired of it and want it gone. So heres the plan on what I want to do. I want to either get an army of Peppermint Shrimp and take the rock out and have them go at it. I can get an aiptasia eating file fish but wonder if its too much for the fish or I can get a couple of them. I can get some nudibranch that eats it and I sent Himsean a message since he/she wanted to start a farm of them. Havent heard back though. I also dont mind buying a bunch of new rock thats cured and good to go. So with all that being said what would you do about it.
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Like you suggested I would get a dozen or more Peppermint shrimp and hope they do the job. However, after a few months two will pair up and kill off the rest while they molt. They do an amazing job if given the chance. :)
I was literally covered in my 180. I added 50 peppermint shrimp. Within a couple weeks. All aiptasia was gone.

I tried in the past with just a few. No success. This time. It took an hour or so. One peppermint shrimp picked at an aiptasia then a dozen jumped on. Within a few more minutes they were coming out of the woodwork literally ripping apart aiptasias. None can be found. After, I threw a couple peppermint shrimps in the overflows and overnight all aiptasia was gone in overflows.
I also had a 180 with several hundred aiptasia Even big ones. Added 1 matted file fish.Took 2 weeks for him to settle in.And then the Dinner bell rang.Gone without a trace.
Thank you for the input. I do have a coral banded shrimp which will cause issues with the peppermints. Tough decision
I put a copperband butterfly in my 180 and within 3 days they were all gone. Had just as much as you.
Is that a wrasse I see? It may eat some of the peppermint shrimp but if you can get a BUNCH of beefy ones, they may avoid getting eaten by the wrasse.

I've tried lots of things over the years and the Peppermints always do the best job. You may want to try manual removal (ie with Red Sea Aiptasia X) before or during the Peppermint invasion but in my experience the Peppermints are the best at keeping them from coming back because their little pincers can pick out tiny tissue as it starts to appear... even before you might see it.

Yes I do have a yellow wrasse in there. I might just catch the the coral banded shrimp and put him in the sump since he will cause havoc on the peppermints. All been very helpful and I appreciate it.
I haven't seen a single polyp of aiptasia since introducing 2 peppermint shrimp into my 29 biocube. Whenever I stick my hand in the tank, one of them in particular is very eager to scuttle over and "clean" off my hand. Kinda tickles...
yes the coral banded shrimp will eat a few of the peppermints. so add a few more than you think you need.
Thanks again for the help. Much appreciated. I thought about catching the shrimp and wrasse. I'm might just take each rock out and let the peppermints do their thing on the anemones. Really not sure which route to take.
pancake;1069648 wrote: yes the coral banded shrimp will eat a few of the peppermints. so add a few more than you think you need.

I have a 40B with a pair of coral banded shrimp and a pair of peppermints. They've been together for about 6 months with no issues and no more aiptasia.
Here's a Sticky thread located in the Reef Section here at ARC. I'm not sure if you have seen this link. The link was started by a Great man whom is no longer with us; Dave has passed away. I believe you may find some helpful tips within this thread to add to the great advice that you have received within this thread. Here's the link:"></a> .

jp30338;1069768 wrote: Pretty much any butterfly will take em out in a day or 2.

Not a true statement. The only butterfly that I've ever seen eat aptasia are Copper Banded Butterflies from Australia. If they are from any other part, they won't eat them. I've had both and witnessed this myself. They will want foods native to their habitat.
WannabeeaReefKeeper;1069809 wrote: Here's a Sticky thread located in the Reef Section here at ARC. I'm not sure if you have seen this link. The link was started by a Great man whom is no longer with us; Dave has passed away. I believe you may find some helpful tips within this thread to add to the great advice that you have received within this thread. Here's the link:"></a> .


Wait, what? Man ARC lost a great one. RIP buddy.
I've got an issue with 2 tanks getting infestation of Aptasia.... Threw some in tank 1.... Cleaned totally in 3 days.... Just fought them tonight. On to #2..... I'll let you know....