aiptasia, peppermint shrimp and a longnose hawkfish

dave green

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Half gripe and half brain-picking.

I really don't want to have to find another home for the hawkfish, but the only shrimps that he won't eat are the fire shrimp and the coral banded...

Joe's juice didn't help with the aiptasia, so I'm thinking about trying the lemon juice needle technique and getting big shrimp so the hawk won't eat them...

Or am I just fooling myself?
I actually tried the lemon juice needle the other night for the 1st time. There are a lot of threads recomending it. I was not successful on my first pass however.I must have missed. I think the trick is to hit the base...without going through. I read where 1/2 ml of juice is all you need per shot.

I have aptasia coming through some eagle eye zoa. Drives me nuts!

The zoas do not care for the lemon juice either. Any that were in the general area closed for the rest of the day. Pissed!

I <u>will </u>try again!
I don't think Longnose Hawks are all that into inverts. I have never seen mine attack anything other than frozen food.
mine didn't either... for months...

and then one day i put in two small cleaner shrimp...

five minutes later, he's swimming around with one guy's antennae sticking out of his mouth and he's hooked on shrimp...

If the rock your aptasia is on is easily removable....feel free to bring it over my place and my copperband will clean it off in a few minutes.
The main thing with killing them with either lemon juice or kalk is to make sure you stab them in the foot/stalk area. And yes a fine syringe does work best.
davidbgreen;291890 wrote: oh, where'd you get the needle?

You can buy them from your local Walgeens or whatever. They are only like a buck...but be prepared to answer some questions about your intentions. They are not exactly sitting in a box at the register.
I've tried the lemon juice several times and it's not working. I pulled the rocks out and shot the juice right into the stock with a needle. It made them really mad but they came right back to life after a day or two. I'm going to have to try the kalk next or something.
I have used a paste made from pickling lime and a little water. Put it in a syringe and drop it right on top of the aptasia. My tank is always a little low on ph. I don't need anything like lemon juice to lower it more. I did try the lemon juice method originally. When I used fresh lemon juice from a lemon, it did nothing. I did get results using bottled juice- stuff must be more concentrated. But best luck was with the lime paste. You can get pickling lime at Publix.
Yah the lime paste works the best imo. It'll stick to the aptasia and burn it to the root.