Aiptasia = slug


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Alright so I got to thinking one night and found a little something that does pretty well at killing aiptasia....super saturated saltwater! Take a cup, toss some salt, tank water and start mixing. If the ratio is right, you will have salt at the bottom of the cup (if you don't, add more salt). The heavy saline water acts as a burn to the aiptasia (well, maybe not a burn, but thats how I picture it....kinda like salt to a slug) I figured that the aiptasia is all tissue, something has to burn it. Thought back to the days of a kid with salt and slugs....bam, idea popped into my head. The best way I've found to actually inject it is with a needle, injecting it near the base. It might take a 1/4 to 1/2 the syringe of solution depending on the size. Some took smaller amount, those were usually the smaller ones. Inject it at the base and you should see the solution shoot out the mouth. If you see that, it's almost certain the aiptasia will perish. Once you've sucked all the super saline water out of the cup, add some more tank water, stir and repeat. Hopefully this works well with those who have some aiptasia. Let me know how it works for you :)
Yes I tried the liquid CA as well. Seems to work too. Just did a round of it. I think however if they are equally effective (which I think they are) the salt method might be better (esp if you had a smaller tank) so the levels wouldn't fluctuate too much. The amount of CA needed in a small tank can swing parms very easily, but the salt really wouldn't do too much because you really only need a little bit...and it's cheaper. BUT, the CA does work...and if you have it handy and a large tank, it's not such a bad idea. Not to mention it's easier to suck up a syringe ;)
Yeah man, they turn black and kinds of melty looking :) I had to re-hit a few just to make sure. Finally I can say my aiptasia is under control. It's really only concentrated on anemone island now....which doesn't bother me as much as it did when it was all around the corals.
Hurrah! Let there be much rejoicing and dancing in the streets. If this doesn't work for you perhaps getting some aiptasia eating nudis would work?
Nah, I think we're good now. Besides I'm too darn cheap to buy those things that would most likely end up in my sump and die, lol.
:thumbs: Thats what Im talking bout Lee!! True nerd ingeniunity. I love it!!!!:thumbs:
so lee let me get this straight.

its 12 midnight you are laying in the bed and you are thinking about Aiptasia and slugs??????

you are a ssstttrrrraaannnggggeeeeeeee person
It's not such a bad deal. 3 square meals a day, padded room, sponge bath....I could get use to that.
what if the sponge bath is given to you by a woman with no teeth and a beard named bertha. you forgot about the shock treatment though
sagent3000;183093 wrote: so lee let me get this straight.

its 12 midnight you are laying in the bed and you are thinking about Aiptasia and slugs??????

How do you think his wife feels? :lol2:
Lee, if you heat the saltwater (to even near boiling), you can increase the supersaturation point, and make it even saltier. Dont try to boil RODI, though, and then add the salt!! Ooh, ooh, and then you can even get a magnifying glass and burn them in the sun!!
Barbara;183161 wrote: Say it with me....."geeks are also people too" "geeks are also people too"......

Yes, people to be ridiculed and embarrassed!

We mock what we dont understand.
Barbara;183161 wrote: Say it with me....."geeks are also people too" "geeks are also people too"......

"geeks are also people too" "geeks are also people too" "geeks are also people too" "geeks are also people too"
"geeks are also people too" "geeks are also people too" "geeks are also people too" "geeks are also people too"

except when they dream of burning slugs when there is a lady laying next to them.
Hey...I just got a rock with some really sweet mushrooms on it...that also has aiptaisia. Can I put this entire rock in a bucket with this special solution and kill it...with out harming da shrooms?
Yeah I wouldn't...the point of this is to inject a super saline solution into the aiptasia. Sitting it in a solution "might" work, but it also might kill the shrooms.