air filter / scrubber


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my friend Brett is always coming up with ideas so I decided to take one from him and built this air filter.
to maximize the air flow I installed 2 - 3/8 tubes to the canister from the skimmer, this one has soda lime in it but you can also put carbon or even half & half (no, not cream).
the soda lime helps with ph and both cleans the air a bit for adding better oxygen to the tank via the skimmer.
the pictures say it all, if not ask.
Is there a fresh air intake on the filter? I just see the tubes running to and from the skimmer and filter but not a fresh air intake going into the filter. The ones that I have seen before have fresh air to the filter and then from the filter to the skimmer.
huskerreefatl;1057778 wrote: Is there a fresh air intake on the filter? I just see the tubes running to and from the skimmer and filter but not a fresh air intake going into the filter. The ones that I have seen before have fresh air to the filter and then from the filter to the skimmer.

Marlons sump room is in his garage, so it gets fresh air directly through the input of the canister.
the filter canister is one half of a dual media reactor so on the other side is just the inlet of the canister for air.
This is about the same as this principle?"></a>

I came across with this long ago, I tough it was for the same thing.

It might not right to post from non sponsor, so please delete if it's improperly posted.
it would be interesting to compare the guts of the BRS reactor and their air filter to see the difference.

Here is the air filter,
a> .
huskerreefatl;1057895 wrote: it would be interesting to compare the guts of the BRS reactor and their air filter to see the difference.

Here is the air filter,"></a> .[/QUOTE]

no difference, same media cartridge inside both canisters...... the only difference is the media you put in it.
MYREEFCLUB0070;1057580 wrote: my friend Brett is always coming up with ideas so I decided to take one from him and built this air filter.
to maximize the air flow I installed 2 - 3/8 tubes to the canister from the skimmer, this one has soda lime in it but you can also put carbon or even half & half (no, not cream).
the soda lime helps with ph and both cleans the air a bit for adding better oxygen to the tank via the skimmer.
the pictures say it all, if not ask.

Where do you buy your soda lime? I'm considering doing something like this to help with CO2/ph issues.
dasianguy;1067337 wrote: Where do you buy your soda lime? I'm considering doing something like this to help with CO2/ph issues.

to be honest with you, I'm not sure where to buy it, all I have ever gotten was from Brett.
if my memory recall is worth a dame, I think I hear someone say a dive shop cause they use it as an air scrubber, not 100% on that.
There is a few places you can order from. Some scuba dive shops carry it for use with rebreathers Online you can order from BRS and a few other aquatic suppliers. I haven't called around since I still have a small supply left. But, you can check with medical suppliers that use it in operating rooms with anesthesia. I hope this helps. :)
Thanks Brett. I was hoping it was something I could find at Home Depot. Oh well, I'll probably just end up ordering it online.
dasianguy;1067400 wrote: Thanks Brett. I was hoping it was something I could find at Home Depot. Oh well, I'll probably just end up ordering it online.

Your welcome. I believe Jeff found a large bucket for the best pricing. :)
To they people that have tried this....have you tried simply running the air supply for your skimmer outside the house?
EnderG60;1067404 wrote: To they people that have tried this....have you tried simply running the air supply for your skimmer outside the house?

I run one line outside to the air input of my skimmer and a second in the basement with soda lime. It really helps with the depressed ph levels in my basement. Also, I've seen a big difference in oxygen output of my skimmer, larger bubbles and decreased algea film on the glass in my tanks. I've been running it for about 1 1/2 years and I attribute the absolute clearity of my tanks due to the soda lime. I know it's just another thing to add to our tanks and it adds a little cost to the equation. But, I really stand behind the method. IMHO I think my corals appreciate the added oxygen and they exhibit much better growth and color than is the norm.
Thanks Marion... I probably have enough parts laying around to pull this together.

One thought I've had, and I haven't see it discussed anywhere: that alone probably means it's a bad idea! Hospital patients sometimes have supplemental oxygen tubes under their nose that feeds a small amount of oxygen into their nostrils. What would be the results of feeding oxygen rich air into a skimmer? Some caution is needed because oxygen oxidizes other materials = combustion. But should be ok for this application. Thoughts?