Air in Powerheads, Good or Bad.


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When air gets in the powerheads and creates tiny bubbles in the water, is that good or bad for fish and corals? :unsure:
snguyen;164520 wrote: When air gets in the powerheads and creates tiny bubbles in the water, is that good or bad for fish and corals? :unsure:
not good or bad. more an eyesore than anything.
Yeah, and those bubbles will attach to your rock and you will think you have bubble algae..:wow2:

But just move the power head down a little lower so it won't creat a venturi and draws the air in.
The only two "bad" things I can see:

If there's so much air getting in that the pump doesn't get cooled and thus wears out/burns out.

If the pump happens to have a clam or sponge or squirt in its path that gets enough air blown in to cause tissue death or complete death. Probably not a big concern. And if you have a clam directly in the path of a powerhead it'll probably die anyway.
check this out. He purposefully inject air into his outputs periodically. Now sure I buy the logic, but heck, it hasnt hurt his tank!!

You get air bubbles naturally in the reefs as the waves crash, so it's no big deal. It's a little more natural, but like Jeremy said, it's an eyesore...just like algae.