Alexa Compatible 120v Controllers


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Has anyone used multiple Alexa 120v outlet controllers for on/off control of pumps, skimmers, heaters etc?
I’m thinking…….
For a unit cost of less than $12 ………..
I’m wondering about Alexa, is it up to the task of maybe scheduling? As well as on/off on command.


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I have a few different smart outlets and smart power strips like that.

Usually each brand has their own scheduling abilities, as well as the ability to connect to Alexa. It's easier to manage your schedules in Alexa.

The main painpoint I have had, is that sometimes when the smart devices get reset (power outages, etc) they lose their "name" which is what Alexa maps to. For example, you name plug 1 "WaveMaker". Then it gets reset and defaults back to "Plug 1". Alexa has a schedule for "WaveMaker", and not "Plug 1".

So just check reviews and make sure they are Alexa compatible and see if anyone else notes similar issues.
Yes you can do all of those things. I have ~15 aquariums and pretty much all my equipment for all of them is on some kind of smart plug. You can usually schedule times for the lights to turn on and off and things like that directly from whatever app the smart plug uses (most generics use the "Smart Life" app). You can also link it to Alexa for voice control. If it's anything like Google Home, then you can probably also set up custom voice commands. For example, I can walk up to a tank with food in hand and say "Hey Google, put the reef tank in feeding mode." It turns off the return pump, skimmer, ATO (so it doesn't beep), and ozone. It then waits 30 minutes and turns back on the return pump. It waits one more minute and turns on the skimmer and ozone. After 5 more minutes (makes sure water level is fully stabilized) it turns on the ATO.

One thing to keep in mind is how much clutter you're adding to your wifi. Too many connected devices can make your wifi slow, especially if you have a crappy router. If you never plan to have more than a dozen or so smart devices it's not a big deal, but if you start going beyond that you might want to consider zigbee or zwave based devices. These have one hub connected to the internet and then all the plugs, switches, sensors, etc connect directly to that hub.

You can also get smart power strips so that you only need one connection for multiple individually controlled outlets. For example:

Oh and one more thing to keep in mind with wifi smart devices is they typically require 2.4ghz wifi, and some will have problems if your 2.4ghz and 5ghz wifi use the same SSID.
Even though I have an extensive Hydros system controlling everything I use a Kasa outlet to control my mixing station pump and works well with Alexa. You can simply say “Alexa run mixing pump for 20 hours” and it will run then shut off after 20 hours. Alexa uses verbal schedules like that. The Kasa (TP Link) plugs are less money than the Alexa ones, works perfectly and is a great brand.
Much better than anything I could do with Hydros for the application.