Algae growth?


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I am starting to see what looks like black growth or maybe black algae growing in my 29g FW planted tank. At first I thought maybe my plants were begining to die but upon closer inspection it appears to be little black fan looking algae of some sort.

I am staying regualr with partial water changes every other week, not over feeding the fish but feeding the plants per instruction with Flourish Excel.

Lighting is T5 system 24" 24x2
1 T5 10 K Daylight lap and 1 T5 Actinic -03 lamp

I like the light the actinic puts out, Is this maybe where I am failing? Is maybe my lighting strip to small tank is about 30" long.

I am attaching some picture that might help identify what I have growing and if someone can help me with that, then maybe I can research the cure for what I have that is unknown.


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If u got t5 lights it's not to small. Fresh water doesn't need a ton of light like some corals do. Is the black stuff really dark green close up n feel slimy. Cause I noticed I had that once in a tank o mine. Koolie loaches I added to the tank ate it up. N all the hair algae. There are about the only thing that I know that eats hair algae.
Siamese algae eater (SAEs) are good at getting rid of black hair algae. Make sure you get young fish though - as they get older/bigger they seem to switch their diet.
Thats good to know and ill look into getting some. What causes the Black Hair Algae though? What am I doing wrong? It is really running wild. I have almost double the amount since I posted last week
nevermind I found some stuff on google about it....Thanks for the replys