Algae issue please help


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I picked up a few corals the other day and transferred some of this stringy algae to my tank. Can anybody identify it and give me some options on how to get rid of it.

Salinity 1.025
Nitrates 5
Cal 425-450
Mag 1400-1425
Ph 8.2
Phosphates .03

When I clean it all out it reappears the next day. I cleaned the frag rack yesterday and 24hrs later it’s a bunch in there again. I don’t want this to get out of control or start killing my corals.
For the most part. I pick it off and sometimes it floats. It’s mostly on the rack where the issue corals are I received
I don't believe algae can be eliminated in a reef tank, only controlled by limiting growth, consumption by animals, manual removal, etc. Swapping racks is manual removal.
Carbon dosing to lower nitrate will help.
Just don’t run your phosphate to zero.

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I don't believe algae can be eliminated in a reef tank, only controlled by limiting growth, consumption by animals, manual removal, etc. Swapping racks is manual removal.
I don’t mind the green algae that’s on the rocks as it’s not extreme. My concern is this stuff is stringy and I don’t want it to start wrapping around all my cool pieces and killing them
So I went out and bought some egg crate and built another frag rack. I have enough to make 2-3 more.

After more research it seems to be Dino’s that I’m facing. Should I try and lower the nitrates over the next week or 2 by not feeding reef roids or should I approach this a little more direct? It has spread a little since yesterday getting on the glass and other rocks but my flow is also pretty high.

Open to advice as I dont want to start losing coral or wake up to a huge out break. I have no fish right now and won’t be adding any till maybe December. I usually run my skimmer 24/7 and I have chaeto and chemipure in the sump. Chemipure is only about a month old at most.
Man Dinos are tough... I had them once and threw the kitchen sink at them so its hard to pinpoint what the fix was. My theory is that some of the pods I added started eating them... I added a ton of different ones and every day the dinos would get less and less and simply went away. Could simply be coincidental though.
I change the frag rack out everyday and try to clean any strings up that I can. Seems to have gotten better. I also raised the ph to 8.4-8.5. Says the higher ph will kill it off. Honestly everything in my tank looks happier at the higher ph anyway. Was at 8.1-8.2 before