Algae on my sand bed


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I have some algae growing on my sand bed. I think I may have a little too much nutrient in the water. I was thinking of doing some kind of blenny to help with this what do people think?
I have some algae growing on my sand bed. I think I may have a little too much nutrient in the water. I was thinking of doing some kind of blenny to help with this what do people think?
Thanks for the advice if i cant get it under control soon I might have to find a new hobby I have been having a problem with it for a while I increased flow from about 500 gph to around 1500 gph hour and have not seen much change water test are good nitrates and nitrites are 0 last time I tested ph and cal where a little low but alk was 9 so I have no Idea what is going on
Sometime you just got to let things settle. These tanks are very sensitive to changes.
some is kinda a brown and when it gets thick on the glass you can see it moving in the current some is green and grows like moss on the sand and there is some cyano growning. about 2 weeks ago I had a bad cyano out break.

check here for what it looked like 2 week ago

I had the same problem along with hair algae. I just adjusted my light timer and did more water changes. I went from 20% every two weeks to 10% every week and also cut back feedings and its been three weeks and it looks great!!!!
Diatoms, red slime or something different? The answer IMO depends on what you got growing.
yes I did that It knocked out almost all of cyano It is growing back but a lot slower then it started I have cut back the photo period and that seemed to help
Thank you brandon, I did not mean for this thread to turn into the same as the other one but I will take what ever help I can get
I rotate between afew 3-5 gallon one week then 10-14 gallons the next. It is about 50 gallons total