Algae problem. Old t5 bulbs?


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Sandy Springs
Everyday when I get home from work I have
New green algae on the glass. All the parameters are fine
Including phosphate. I just got the t5 lighting
System used. I have no idea how old the bulbs are.
Could it be the bulbs doing this?
I noticed that is always first thing people recommends. And if you dont know how old the bulb is, I think it's good idea to replace them.

And using a UV helps clearing the water cristal clear and GFO and carbon also helps (for quick fix). I had same problem when I started the hobby and it goes away as tank ages. I only run UV and but no GFO or Carbon atm.
if you have room for a refugium with macro algae that will help the DT big time, at least it does for me and yes old bulbs do have a big part when it comes to algae.
Thanx. I do have a fuge but with no macro yet.
I just want to make sure it's the bulbs before
I go out and buy new ones. I'll try gfo, carbon, and Chaeto first
Hey kyle, thinking back, I was using both gfo and carbon when I had that green stuff keep covering the glasses. I think it was uv that helped. Its been so long ago I cant really remember. lol
I doubt you "NEED" a sterilizer, thats just one of many remedies. Its also not a guarantee to get rid of your algae problem. Most t5 are good for 6 months to about 8 or 9 depending on brand. I would replace them as they have probably been used. Usually lights aren't the root of the problem unless they are well past their service life.
If you are over feeding you most likely be getting hair algae as well. instead juat green films on the glass. Do you test mag? I use to not. I didnt know how inportant it was. Lol
Yay, Definitely. Test your water for Cal,Alk with your test kit and we can test it against mine. I use salifert for cal,kh, and mag. But I think it's more important for your testing done for Phos and Nitrates. I don't have test kits for those. I need to get one. lol