Algae problem


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Roswell Georgia
Hey everyone I have a string algae problem it’s growing on my sand and on my rocks I know I need to turn down how much I have my light on a day but I want to get rid of it do any of y’all know how?
Have you tested nitrate/phosphate? What are they? How old is setup? Any clean up crew/snails? If so how many? Any pictures you could add would help diagnose problem also. If you don't have any corals, you can go lights out for a few days/week, if not then shorten the lighting time or lower intensity.
I do have corals at the moment I traded corals for a light and one of the corals introduced it to my tank I do need a clean up crew but I don’t know what I need and how much
Depending on the severity of the problem, I would try to get some clean up crew critters first and see how they handle it. I have always ordered CUC from online vendors down in FL that collect it. There are a handful of them that I am aware of: reefcleaners, reeftopia, gulfcoast ecosystems/

I would suggest reefcleaners since they have packages made for specific tank sizes.

Personally I like to make a "hybrid" package with his options. In the past when I ordered, I did not have an algae problem so I would go 1/4-1/2 my actual tank size. I am not a big fan of hermits so I normally do the snail only packages but you might need the hermits since you have what sounds like a hair algae problem(if you do get hermits, be sure to add or ask for some empty shells so they wont kill your live snails when they outgrown their shells.) Then I will add either trochus(prefered) or Astraea snails if they are out of trochus, or sometimes both. Then I will add some other random cleaners if they have any available that look interesting.
Awesome I speculate it so much I also thought about later on getting a diamond goby what are your perspectives on them
I had a diamond watchman goby in one of my tanks years ago. Peaceful cool fish, he will sift through the sand bed but wont do much for algae if I remember correctly.
Hey everyone I have a string algae problem it’s growing on my sand and on my rocks I know I need to turn down how much I have my light on a day but I want to get rid of it do any of y’all know how?
Is it brownish red? They will get bubbles eventually, dinoflagellates. If so, Goodluck lol. You will need a microscope to identify which one and follow an appropriate regimen. I had the same happen when someone sold me frags that had a dino problem. I beat them finally after about 9 months lol lost about $2000 in coral and fish. Did you dip your corals? If your setup is new I would seriously dry everything out and start over.

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No my setup has been running for a year and I honestly don’t want to start over I think I’ll get a clean up crew
No my setup has been running for a year and I honestly don’t want to start over I think I’ll get a clean up crew
Oh I thought it was new. CUC won't touch dinos. Like I said there's different methods based off whichever strain you have. I would get a bubbler in there though and keep your hands out of the tank. I had ostreopsis and got ill from handling it. Also you might want to get atleast an 18w UV sterilizer.

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Mexican red legged hermits are supposedly effective eaters. They are harder to find than I expected, but I have about 5 among a bunch of other types. None fight, but I provide many shells for transitions.