Algae problem!!!


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So I can not seem to get my algae under control. I've gone to feeding every other day, I'm running a skimmer, running carbon and GFO reactors, turned my lights down a little, 30% water changes every other week and still can't seem to rid the algae. DT 120G with 35G sump

Anyone have any other ideas or suggestions? Thanks
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Is it only on the sand? What kind of lighting are you using? And how old is it?

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It's on the rocks a bit, running 2 Sol Blue LEDs

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Not sure this would help or cause harm, but maybe vacuum the sand?

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Looks like you are using water with ppm higher than zero. If you make your own RO water, check your readings and filters. If you are buying it from somewhere you need to have the water checked. If the water is not good, it doesn't matter how much or how often you do a water change.
I'm assuming this because your post did not indicate the source of your water. Gotta start at the top and work your way back. If you don't have a method to monitor the ppm of your water you will never know the problem. You are going all the right things after the fact, need to verify the validity your source water.
I have a RO/DI filter, I'll check my ppm. The filters are only a few months old

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Do you have a diamond goby, or some sand sifting fish? They work wonders keeping that down buy constantly churning sand. Granted they'll cover up your frags that are on the sand...
All my parameters were in check. I did take the auto top off container and do a good cleaning of it, kind of had some slime on the walls. Thought about a diamond goby but I do have a lot of frags on the sand bed

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Please post all parameters, including specific gravity, temperature and everything else you test for, especially nitrates. How long are you running your lights?

Do you vacuum the sand? If not, you need to. Poop falls into the sand, poop needs to be removed. Beneficial bacteria remove some stuff but even bacteria produce waste and so solid waste needs to be vacuumed.

Meeetch;1115791 wrote: 0 on two separate test kits

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Are you using a Hanna Colorimeter? If not, buy one. I'd recommend the phosphorus test, brs put out a video on why.

You might also try to increase your flow. Let your tank go dark for 2-3 days periodically. Vacuum the sand bed like others have advised.
I ordered a Hanna ULR yesterday from BRS. Thought about doing a blackout, but still trying to get to the bottom. I'll get parameters soon, been busy

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Algae is caused by one thing. Nutrients. It will not grow if nutrients are in check. The problem is it's a fine line between nutrients so low ur corals don't grow (SPS will become pale/pastel in color, and softies will either stop growing or even die), and high enough to cause algae blooms.

Even if u are reading 0 ppm n03/po4, if u have's there

I've never prescribed to light being the just makes it worse if u have nutrients.

Personally I've never had great luck with a super low nutrient tanks, so I typically have plenty of snails and Algae eaters to help keep things in check, and keep the nutrients low enough to keep the algae at bay.

My new tank is going to have an algae turf scrubber on it. I am hoping this does the trick !)

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I've been changing out GFO each week, water changes and cut feeding, not even feeding reef roids. Maybe need a better CUC...frustrated

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Meeetch;1116819 wrote: I've been changing out GFO each week, water changes and cut feeding, not even feeding reef roids. Maybe need a better CUC...frustrated

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CUC as in Sea Cucumber? I'm not a big fan of those. They die, they can wipe ur tank

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