Algae Scrubber


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Augusta, GA
Does anyone have experience with algae turf scrubbers?

I am currently trying to get my NO3 and PO4 down in my tanks and I am considering trying a algae turf scrubber. I thought I would ask if anyone had used on before and what they thought.

I am currently adding phosphate reducing chemicals, but if the turf scrubber works then I would rather use it instead.
They do work and some are very tunable. They do take some time to get up and running properly and do require maintenance. The other points to consider are a pump to drive it and the space to put it in.
The ways to tune it are are photo period, easy, simply lights on or off. Or better, in conjunction with light intensity. Unit's that have a dimmer or a way to control the leds are a little better.

Here's some forums to do a little research.

If you have any specific questions, fire away.
Like adam said they are simple. Ive had 4 or 5 in past. The best way to remove no3 and po4 without dosing. The only reason i dislike the is the lights dont last that long. And the space needed. But when i had mine tuned in my skimmer didnt skim that good. So i removed it. Best thing i used the algae i gre on scrubber to feed my tangs
Hey also if you want something more compact and works great. Im going back to a refugium and will be selling my paybellum algae reactor. Its awesome
A.R.I.D n18 macroalgae reactor