Algae Turf Scrubber


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Does anyone in this area use/have an algae turf scrubber system? I see them referenced, but would really like to see one. (Note that this is not a standard refugium). I have some info, but am looking for more.


They are a very complicated esign, so I am not guessing you'll see many. In all reality, it is just a revision of a refugium (or vice versa).
jmaneyapanda;94664 wrote: They are a very complicated esign, so I am not guessing you'll see many. In all reality, it is just a revision of a refugium (or vice versa).

Yes, they don't appear too simple, and there are various snippets of info on other boards, books, etc. with drawbacks as well as (of course) praise. They seem to have bubbled up in 1994, and in 2001 or there abouts. There are some interesting features, and I am interested finding both construction details (found some, but not many) as well as some comparative info with respect to the the simpler fuge/macro system.

I am just a collector of info/techniques, and interested. Never know when I might pickup something useful.


I saw a nice one for sale on RC last week. Actually it seemed to be a pretty simple design. It had a spray bar that emptied over a dump bucket that tips out the water once full and falls back into position. the water then washes over a screen that the algae grows on, which is removed and "harvested" every week or two. Water returns to the tank through a bulkhead downstream from there. I think it was being lit with a clip-on shop light.
Jesse- I would say the principle is simple, but the design is another matter. Figure out the balance and flush point for the dump bucket isnt taht easy, especially when trying to make it all compact. If someone else has done all the legwork, thats a good thing. But trying to do it on your own isnt as easy as it seems. Dont ask me how I know this.
I had not seen that one on RC... I'll take a look, just out of interest.

The surge device (dump bucket, most often, though I have found some other implementations) does seem to be the biggest issue. Actually, among the things I am trying to find out is why it must use a surge device. I know the algae is a specific type or types of turf algae, but not sure of the why's on some of these things.

