While I was hosting our table at Reefstock Chattanooga, my next door neighbor was Erik Stenn - President of AlgaGen Premium live feeds based in Vero Beach, FL. We spent two days together and I have to say that I really enjoyed talking with him during the down time at the show. At the end of the event, Erik handed me a bag of Tisbe copepods, a bag of Apocyclops pods, and a bottle of Phyco Pure Zooxanthellae which was a product that I did not know existed. Super short summary of these products: The Tisbe pods tend to stay on the bottom of the tank, the Apocyclops live in the water column, and the Zooxanthellae product is designed to improve coral coloration especially after stressful events. Check AlgaGen out if you are interested in learning more.
About AlgaGen: https://algagendirect.com/pages/about

About AlgaGen: https://algagendirect.com/pages/about