Alk Dosing Question


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I've been testing my Alk almost every day for several weeks. At first it was to get it up, then two weeks ago when I added my Jebao doser I thought I was coming to the end of it, sadly it's not working out.

I'm using Seachem power buffer mixed up in a food safe container. The problem is not the doser, I've caught the release and measured to verify, it is dumping the proper amount of solution. I even increased the dose but it is not maintaining my Alk where I want it.

My actual question, I know the Seachem powder works, but I suppose it cannot sit mixed up like that and be used for dosing. <span style="color: Red;"> What is a good product to use for Alk only?</span> My goal is to only mess with my dosing solution every two to three weeks.

I've read a bit about two part (too dumb to understand it all) and I only have an Alk problem, my Calcium and Mag stay in good range between water changes.
if you want to use the doser and like seachem theres always aquavitro 8.4. you could try a kalk drip but it also does calcium
Thanks Pico, at this point it seems like Kalk would not be my best option. I'll look into the 8.4.
rk4435;1020963 wrote: Thanks Pico, at this point it seems like Kalk would not be my best option. I'll look into the 8.4.
If heavy growth is the reason your alk is low then getting it under control Will increase the calcium uptake so kalk may actually be your best bet , just use it as top off water if it's sealed up it stays good a few weeks .
Also have you been watching your magnesium lvls , it will get low then no matter how much alk u dose it wont balance correctly and alk will keep coming up short.
Tbub1221;1020970 wrote: If heavy growth is the reason your alk is low then getting it under control Will increase the calcium uptake so kalk may actually be your best bet , just use it as top off water if it's sealed up it stays good a few weeks .
Also have you been watching your magnesium lvls , it will get low then no matter how much alk u dose it wont balance correctly and alk will keep coming up short.

I only check Mag once a week and it has been fine for several weeks, until last night, it was 1200. I'll check again today to verify.
A while back I use to dose one without the other (Alk & cal)
And they went so far out from each other that it was hard to get them back
So now I only do two part.
Also there is a constant Checking involve when you dose separately amount like that
I'm not sure if I have a bad kit or a Mag problem. My Magnesium has been great since I switched to Seachem Reef Salt a couple of months ago, now it is 1200, 1260, 1240 over the last few days, even with dosing it.

I'm not sure if I have a bad kit or if my Mag is suddenly being used up somehow. I've rarely had to add that since I switched.
I would take a water sample to a LFS or a buds house close to you, double check all 3, alk, mag & calc.