Oh, there's been quite a few folks posting about that this past year. Here's the most recent one and I link to some past conversations in there at some point.

Long story short, it's a great product with a catch. That catch is that you will probably still have to dose Alk from time to time to keep it up and not increase the Ca levels. The All-For-Reef product is a complete dose for corals. However, there are a lot of non-coral critters in our systems that use Alk without the Calcium so it tend to trend lower. I use it and test/dose a few times a month with Alk to keep the levels up.
I've been fairly lucky...been using it for several years in my 25G without having too much of an imbalance issue mentioned by jcook above. Depends on your individual consumption. It helps I run a trident so its much easier for me to keep an eye on. Typically, once a year i've had to do a set of more aggressive water changes to reset the balance. For the price and ease of use though...can't recommend more.
I love it. It definitely makes life easier. Like jcook said, your alk and calcium consumption might not be balanced but that’s easily corrected by dosing a little bit of extra alk or calcium separately when you need it. The only thing I wish Tropic Marin would change about All For Reef is I wish there was a high PH option similar to kalk. As it is, All For Reef tends to drop your PH slightly.
I guess I'm the opposite of others. I dose all for reef, but need to supplement magnesium every month or so. Other than that, love it
I dose all for reef and am happy with the simplicity. I check alkalinity once every few months and adjust as necessary. I've haven't tested anything else in a year or so. The corals I care about are growing and happy so take that for what's it's worth.