All in one biopellets


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Hey all,
I have a sps tank with a very large bioload. My system is a 75g DT w/ a 35g frag tank plumbed into each other via a 20-30g sump. I was having issues with getting my reds to color up on the SPS and I know the problem lies with my nitrate levels. SPS typically like the very low end of nutrient levels and so my 25-30ppm of nitrates weren't going to cut it. On a side note I could never get my po4 below 0.08ppm no matter how much high capacity gfo I ran. So I decided to run a biopellet reactor to bring my nutrients down and when I was about to buy some BRS biopellets I stumbled onto a product called all in one bio pellets.

So I did some research and people swear up and down that these little miracle pellets will effictevly eliminate no3 and po4. If your familiar with normal bio pellets usually you still have to run GFO to bring your phosphates down. I'm all about saving money where I can so being able to eliminate the need and cost of buying expensive GFO seems like an awesome idea to me plus it will free up space under my cabinet by reducing the number of reactors I'm running. And lastly there's less maintence involved since I will only have to add more all in one biopellets 1-2x a year instead of monthly GFO changes.

I purchased a 2 liter Sea Side Aquatics media reactor and luckily I had a spare Jebao DC-3000 pump lieing around and it fit the bill perfectly for the reactor and amount of media I'm using. I started with 500ml of all in one bio pellets and have been running that for 2 weeks now. I haven't tested my tank yet but based on the lack of algae growth I think the pellets finally just kicked in yesterday. They recommend 500ml-1000ml per 100g of water so I just got my 2nd bag of all in one biopellets and added another 500ml for a total of 1L of all in one bio pellets.

I plan to give the pellets 3-7 more days to fully break in and take affect and then test my nutrient levels. I thought it would be fun to document the before and after and how well or not well they work. my nitrates were 25-30ppm before the pellets and my po4 was 0.08-0.1ppm with GFO. I'll post back after a few days and see if the pellets effictevely drop both without running GFO.

If anyone is interested in running All in one bio pellets do some research before hand because they require a tremendous amount of flow through the reactor to tumble the pellets. Usually 300-500 GPH is all you need for bio pellet reactors, however with all in one bio pellets they recommend between 500-800GPH. I'm running 1200gph but after head pressure its probably closer to 900 or so, this seems to work well for 1L of the media.
I got impatient and tested early. My nitrates are at 5ppm (red sea test kit) and phosphates are at 0.05ppm (hanna checker ULR). I expect them to drop a little bit more over the next week or 2. So far the pellets are performing the way I would hope them to.
The all in one stuff really works. I used it on my 93 cube and within 4 week period I seen my N03 and P04 drop nicely. It was only after the bacteria had time to build up is when I saw a change in my tank. I started out slowly inserted a lower doses of pellets and worked up to the required limit. I had a 800gpm pump with a control valve on my reactor and the all the pellets were tumbling nicely. I followed the recommend instructions on soaking the pellets prior to use. Within about 5-6 weeks I noticed my bad algae started to disappear and my phosphates and Nitrate going down steadily. I tested the N03/P04 frequently with a Red Sea test kit.

I since tore my 93 down and I'm planning on using the ALL IN ONE pellets once again on my new system.