All my zoas are very unhappy


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I posted about a week ago about a large colony all of a sudden becoming unhappy but now at seems about all my zoas are flaking out. Not opening as much and losing color. I have searched for bad predators for a week and there are no signs of pox or anything else. My tank parameters are great but I skim really heavy. STarting to wonder if I have depleated the iodine??

Anyways, I was going to do an iodine dip but got to thinking and I want to know if I can combine and iodine dip and Furan 2 dip at the same time in case I'm missing something. Ie, can I mix a Furan container and add Lugols to it or do I have to do seperate dips? Thanks.
Well, since there were no replies I just did a iodine (Lugols) dip on 10 small colonies. Nothing but pods and a few asternia stars in the dip container after dipping. I was actually hoping to find something:sad: I would still like to know if you can combine an iodine and Furan 2 dip together for future knowledge.
What are your tank params? "Great" doesn't say much. What kind of lighting do you have? How old are the bulbs?
Tank parameters:

PO=Undetectable (but I do not have a low range kit so <.2)
ALK=9+dKh (3.5meq)

150w MH with actinic supplementation. Phoenix 14k bulb less than 3 months old.

Trust me...I have scoured for hours on end in the dark with a flashlight. Unless the nudis are less than 1mm big and I've missed them. Nothing is eating on them. The stalks of my large colony from the other post have gotten really stringy and have a purpleish growth on them (not's hard and doesn't come off). All other colonies look great with smooth skin and good tone.

I have a VERY small amount of hair algae even though nitrates and PO test at 0 so I built a custom upflow nano phosphate reactor and I'm running SeaChem Phosguard in it to be on the safe side. I just can't afford a low range PO test kit right now:sad:
Lighting and flow haven't changed in months. I tried bumping my light cycle a while back but I went back to normal and it's been that way for some time. I clean my PH's pretty religously.

How big would these nudi's be. From the pictures I've found they look to be fairly noticable....maybe 1/4".
Just use furan 2 by itself I have dipped them as long as 12 min with no problems and it does work.

I keep it on hand and all new ployps get a dip in it. When I have zoas staying closed for days on end I will dip them in RODI water with it for about 8 min. I try to have rodi same temp as tank. Be sure to rinse before putting them back in the tank. I do not measure out furan 2 I just eye ball it. It usually takes several dips over the course of a two weeks. If it's going to help you will see a few polyps open up the same day as 1st treatment. This is just what has worked for me.

Good luck.

Have you checked for all pests?

Been continuously watching for predators but still nothing. Started going back through my tank logs and it seems the zoa fiasco began shortly after adding Seachem Phosguard to my tank to address a couple small patches of HA. I'm running the recommended OD'ing. Is it possible I stripped the PO too quickly and that is the cause for my zoa problems? At this point, every zoa and paly in the tank is showing varying indications of unhappiness including recession, color loss, and less opening.

Ironically EVERYTHING else is doing better than ever before (knock wood)??? SPS's are incredible right now and my shrooms, ricordias, and large leather are as big and happy as they have ever been.