Alternative CALC additive


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Ok I have heard of Randy's 2 part system on reefcentral, I think thats where I saw it, is anyone using another Calcium additive other than the BRS two part solution and where do you get it from? Now I am not talking about the kind you buy from LFS. In his two part he gives a few examples of different products you can use ANYBODY DOING THERE OWN, like baking baking powder for your ALC, what are you using for CALC?

Here is the link."></a>

Baking powder I can get a nice big box from costco and make my own, but I hope you understand what I am asking.
I just picked up a bag of Mrs. Wages Pickling lime, 3 bucks a lb at Kroger. havent used it yet, but i read up on it and it is basically Kalkwasser/limewater mix
I use calcium chloride from the pool store and baking powder for two part dosing.
I don't do it personally but I know someone who uses Damp Rid for a calcium supplement. It is mostly calcium chloride with a little potassium and sodium chloride.
I dissolve Mrs Wages pickling lime in vinegar first, then dose it gradually.

This does 3 things-
1) effectively drives the reaction between alk and CO2 to completion, before it hits the tank water. That is an inherent limit to both kalkwasser or two part systems.

2) the vinegar and calcium reaction forms calcium acetate. This is an organic form of calcium. Bacteria consume the acetate leaving calcium ions free in the water. This is also an excellent form of carbon dosing, ime.

3) during consumption of the acetate, the bacteria release both bicarbonate ions (alk) and hydroxyl ions (keeps pH up).

It's sometimes referred to as a 'one part system'.

While I'm sure you meant to say 'baking soda' not baking powder, there is a big difference! Baking soda is sodium bicarbonate.

Even baking soda by itself is not recommended long term. You should mix it with sodium carbonate, to keep the correct ion balance.

There is an excellent write up of this by Randy Holmes-Farley a PhD chemist who is also a reef keeper. I'm on my iPhone and in surgery so can't pull it up right now.

Just Google 'Holmes-Farley and alkalinity' and the article will come up.
Chris S;827010 wrote: I don't do it personally but I know someone who uses Damp Rid for a calcium supplement. It is mostly calcium chloride with a little potassium and sodium chloride.

Calcium chloride should be mixed with calcium sulfate to keep the ions balanced.
nassar0505;827009 wrote: I use calcium chloride from the pool store and baking powder for two part dosing.

How has this worked for you, are there any side affects of using this?

ichthyoid;827026 wrote: Calcium chloride should be mixed with calcium sulfate to keep the ions balanced.

Where would you get the calcium sulfate from?
Works excellent...keeps my calcium in check, and have no issues with purity or any unusual imbalances...going on a year with this stuff.
nassar0505;827080 wrote: Works excellent...keeps my calcium in check, and have no issues with purity or any unusual imbalances...going on a year with this stuff.

So you measure chloride then?
nassar0505;827080 wrote: Works excellent...keeps my calcium in check, and have no issues with purity or any unusual imbalances...going on a year with this stuff.

Just read how this will work from the guy who wrote the article. How much do you get and how much is it? For one gallon do you still use 2 1/2 cups ?
Calcium = Measure 2 cups of cal chloride, mix it with 1 gallon of ro/di...shake it up and good to go... ( it does get pretty warm while mixing just fyi)

Alk= bake 2 1/4 baking soda for an hour on 300, mix it with 1 gallon of ro/di and good to go...

I buy like a 4lb container of it and its about 10 bucks makes probably 4-5 gallons of calcium.

Edit: The dosing part is the hard part... Takes some tedious testing and trial and error to get it balanced.

Edit: I wont mention publicly the dosing pump I use. just to avoid any opinionated lashings, but if you pm I'll let ya know. :)
Can I take a container of baking soda and bake the entire thing? or do I have to do it in small quantities.
Hmmm well i just do it as needed...but sure u could just do it all at once.. Though im not sure if you leave it unmixed as a powder will it absorb moisture and carbon dioxide back in and revert it back to bicarbonate.. I'm no chemist but I'm sure some one could Answer that.