Always check your tanks return!!


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As you may or may not know...I have a fetish for Mystery Wrasse's

Well I have had I believe 3 of them..(alot of money)...They never seem to stay around long, I assume they die and move I don't believe what the sites say about them and great and easy to keep..I used to say BS!! They are insanely hard to keep.

Now I am tearing down the system to connect the new sump...

Simon is peering into the thing to clean and install new bulkheads says there is a fish in there, looks like a wrasse....pushes it through the hole and into my hand....

Hello Mystery Wrasse!!!..I sh-t you not, he was in there at least 8 or 9 months!!

It's like finding $200....

Welcome home....the Mystery is over.:yay:

Its not a line....its the space in the tank where the supply and return pipes are located. (it's like a box where the water flows into)

But food was always being sucked into the space so he was well fed...and he lived thru my April tank crash when the power failed and I was in Florida...

He name is now.....Bullet..(as in Bulletproof) Thanks Level....
well congrats...? though i had a blue head wrasse and it kicked the bucket well water is stable now and was wandering if there was a decent wrasse that i could try in my 33 cube with 10 sump? have a thing for wrasses its just i have herd all are hard to keep
They are jumpers..and those of us with open tops, run the risk of carpet surfing fish.
jeep9783;46577 wrote: well congrats...? though i had a blue head wrasse and it kicked the bucket well water is stable now and was wandering if there was a decent wrasse that i could try in my 33 cube with 10 sump? have a thing for wrasses its just i have herd all are hard to keep

Six line wrasse (Psuedocheilinus Hexataenia). Nice and easy to keep and would be ok in your system.
washowi;46574 wrote: Its not a line....its the space in the tank where the supply and return pipes are located. (it's like a box where the water flows into)

I think you are referring to the overflow box Todd ;-)

While cleaning it out I almost took a lb of detritus out of there as well, yuck.

The mystery wrasse was fat and healthy thats all I can say. It didn't like not having water for about 10 minutes though .........
He is now fully recovered..Out playing with all his friends..eating and staring at me with those yellow eyes...."Looks like he is thinking, Where the Hell ya been, took you long enough"

Here is Bullet

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